Witbank Airfield (Aerodrome)
The eMalahleni Local Municipality owns the Witbank Airfield (Aerodrome) which is in operation and the wingers are rented out to private users.
It is situated on the outskirts of Witbank near a suburb called Paxton.
GPS Co-Ordinates:
Lat: -25.8383099702699
Lng: 29.1918110847473
The Witbank Aeronautical Association have several aircraft that are available for booking.
Contact Details:
082 893 0261 | 083 229 7601
The Witbank Airfield is also utilized by the Witbank Tandem Skydive Club.
Directions to Witbank Airfield
Travelling From Johannesburg
- Follow the N12 highway east from Johannesburg towards Benoni and follow the signs to Witbank / Emalahleni.
- You should pass a Total Petroport about 45km outside of Witbank.
- As you enter Witbank, still on the N12, you will pass under the Merrydale Ave. Bridge and then pass the Watermeyer Str / Bethal turnoff.
- Continue along the N12 until it joins with the N4 from Pretoria.
- Shortly after the N12 joins the N4, take the Nelson Mandela (President Ave) turnoff.
- Turn LEFT (towards Witbank / Middelburg). There should be a Hotel and Casino complex on your left. Continue straight over the 3-way stop.
- Turn RIGHT at the fifth traffic light (Christiaan de Wet, at the McDonalds). Continue along Christiaan de Wet, cross straight over the 4-way stop, the pedestrian traffic light and the 3-way stop (school on left).
- Turn LEFT onto Voortrekker Rd at the next traffic light. Pass the BP Garage (on your right).
- Turn RIGHT at the next traffic light (Roadhouse now on your left).
- Turn into the first road to your RIGHT and then turn RIGHT at the stop.
- Keep to the left and continue straight at the next stop as the road curves to the left. The third stop is at the level-crossing.
- Turn LEFT immediately after the level-crossing (follow the PAXTON sign) and follow the tarred road as it bends to the right. Continue along this road until you pass the abattoir (on your right).
- Turn RIGHT after the big grey (concrete palisade-style) fence.
Travelling From Pretoria
- Take the N4 East out of Pretoria (towards Bronkhorstspruit / Witbank).
- Follow the N4 to Witbank and take the Walter Sisulu (Eadie Street) Off ramp and turn left. You will arrive at a traffic light. Proceed straight over this intersection, follow the road as it turns to your left and proceed straight over the second traffic light intersection.
- Follow the road as it veers sharply to your right (parallel to a railway line). After a few hundred meters the road forks, follow the fork to the left and continue straight over the stop sign, follow the road through the bend to the left and straight over a second stop-sign (about 50 meters further) at the level crossing.
- Turn LEFT immediately after the level-crossing (follow the PAXTON sign) and follow the tarred road as it bends to the right. Continue along this road until you pass the abattoir (on your right).
- Turn RIGHT after the big grey (concrete palisade-style) fence.
Travelling From Middelburg / Nelspruit
- Take the N4 West towards Witbank.
- Turn RIGHT at the Nelson Mandela (President) Ave. turnoff (towards Witbank). There should be a Hotel and Casino complex on your left. Continue straight over the 3-way stop.
- Turn RIGHT at the fifth traffic light (Christiaan de Wet, at the McDonalds). Continue along Christiaan de Wet, cross straight over the 4-way stop, the pedestrian traffic light and the 3-way stop (school on left).
- Turn LEFT onto Voortrekker Rd at the next traffic light. Pass the BP Garage (on your right).
- Turn RIGHT at the next traffic light (Roadhouse now on your left).
- Turn into the first road to your RIGHT and then turn RIGHT at the stop.
- Keep to the left and continue straight at the next stop as the road curves to the left. The third stop is at the level-crossing.
- Turn LEFT immediately after the level-crossing (follow the PAXTON sign) and follow the tarred road as it bends to the right. Continue along this road until you pass the abattoir (on your right).
- Turn RIGHT after the big grey (concrete palisade-style) fence.
Travelling From Secunda
- Take the Delmas road out past the water towers straight to the Kinross / Kriel crossing.
- Turn RIGHT to Kriel.
- At the Ogies / Bethal / Kriel intersection t-junction at the, turn RIGHT to Kriel /Bethal.
- Turn LEFT into Kriel and drive straight through Kriel towards Witbank. Drive straight through Witbank (Watermeyer street) and
- Turn right into Swartbos.
- Turn LEFT onto the N4 highway (Pretoria / Verena).
- Take the Walter Sisulu (Eadie) street offramp and turn LEFT.
- Turn RIGHT towards Verena.
- Keep going straight over the railway tracks to the t-junction (Verena / Paxton).
- Turn left towards Paxton and drive past the abattoir (on your right).
- Turn RIGHT after the big grey (concrete palisade-style) fence.
More info on the town of Witbank | More info on the Highveld and Cosmos area |
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