Minister Marais empowers Drakenstein 4 new libraries
As we safely move forward in the sector, together with the Executive Mayor of the Drakenstein Municipality: Mr. Conrad Poole, Executive Director of Community Services: Mr. Gerald Esau and relevant Mayoral Committee members, Minister Anroux Marais officially opened 4 libraries in the region yesterday, 5 October 2020.
The official opening programme started at the Groenheuwel Library: House of Learning and thereafter, following a tour, the plaques were unveiled at the Chicago, Klein Drakenstein and Simondium Libraries, respectively.
The first library in Groenheuwel accommodated only 50 patrons and now stands at membership of over 7000. The initial library started in 2006 and in 2014 became part of the Violence Protection through Urban Upgrading Project (VPUU) which led to the design of the new library and together with the community and partners in government, we officially opened the new state-of-the-art Groenheuwel Library: House of Learning yesterday. The new library now also offers a free braille and audio book service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page.
During the keynote address, Minister Anroux Marais said, “As we celebrated National Library Week earlier this year in March, right before we were hit with the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent national lockdown regulations, it’s 2020 theme could not be more appropriate as we now safely move forward towards our new norm in the sector. The 2020 theme, “Libraries: Your Partner for Life”, is of personal interest as it takes libraries into the heart of the community and strives to awaken a sense of long term ownership and active responsibility in each community member. Often we do not realise the important role libraries play in the enrichment of our communities and I would like all present here today to join us in driving this very important awareness.”
As the Western Cape Government innovatively focusses on increasing safety and creating opportunities to augment our social capacity and wellbeing, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport remains instrumental in creating a province in which all who call it home live healthier lifestyles in safer environments and are more prepared for tomorrow’s economy.