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LOCAL TIME: 09:51 pm | Thursday, 13 February
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Vaal Hiking & Walking Trails

Find hiking trails in Vaal - from multi-day hiking trails to day and half day hikes and easy walking trails in Vaal and the surrounding area.

Vaal Hiking & Walking Trails Local Information
Kedu River Lodge, hidden gem on the Vaal River Kedu River Lodge, hidden gem on the Vaal River

Operating on the banks of the Vaal River “in perfect harmony”. Situated in Lindequesdrif, Vanderbijlpark Kedu River Lodge offers a

Koedoeslaagte Trail Park Koedoeslaagte Trail Park

Koedoeslaagte offers an abundance of unspoiled wilderness, 1.2 km Vaal River front and an host of bird and wildlife, ideal for ...

Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve

The Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve near Heidelberg is a great nature destination for birders, hikers, mountain bikers and families

A Peculiar Pride to be Proud of A Peculiar Pride to be Proud of

I know these cheetahs. I have tracked them on foot several times, crouched down a mere 30 metres from Chilli, daughter of the ...

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Wat maak die Vredefortkoepel so uniek vir besoekers? Wat maak die Vredefortkoepel so uniek vir besoekers?

Behalwe vir die ongewone gesteentes in die koepel, is die area ook van groot historiese, kulturele en aregeologiese belang. Of ...

Augrabies Falls National Park closes three viewing decks but remains open Augrabies Falls National Park closes three viewing decks but remains open

The mighty Orange River has increased at Augrabies Falls National Park (AFNP) to over 3000 cumecs (cubic metre per second) and ...

The smallest duiker in South Africa: Facts about the rare blue duiker The smallest duiker in South Africa: Facts about the rare blue duiker

The smallest of all duikers, the blue duiker is a shy and cautious little animal not often spotted in the wild. While they are ...

Kyk: Waterskouspel by Augrabiesvalle Kyk: Waterskouspel by Augrabiesvalle

Augrabiesvalle Nadionale Park, Noord Kaap – Met die afgelope weke se goeie reën is die Vaaldam 100% vol, die eerste keer seder ...

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