Dining in The Vaal Triangle
Eating in or out, the Vaal Triangle’s hospitality will entice your taste buds with its culinary flair; traditional meaty soul food or gourmet fair.
It is said that one cannot think well, work well, play well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well!
You’re in water and meat country now. Take advantage of the indigenous assets.
Wet your feet and your appetite in Deneysville, Heidelberg, Meyerton, Parys, Sasolburg, Sebokeng, Sharpeville, Vaal Marina, Vanderbijlpark and Vereeniging. The locals will happily direct you to food facilities in their area.
Before you start your search for an appropriate place to eat, we will season your reservation skills with important tips. The most important asset in the Vaal Triangle is the Vaal River and dam.
Most restaurants on the river or dam front will offer alfresco dining and will purvey exquisite views as the perfect accompaniment to your meal.
When making your booking on a sunny day, be sure to ask for a table outside, on a winter’s day check for fire place facilities. If you’re an omnivore in a carnivore’s world, most hospitable restaurants will offer vegetarian options. Most restaurants will still offer you a smoking or non-smoking facility and offer a play area for the entertainment of children. You will find that many restaurants are closed on a Monday and Tuesday.
Always enquire about this. As with most places always check whether disabled facilities are available, whether children are allowed or not, whether an establishment is Halaal or not, whether or not credit card facilities are available. If you’re on holiday and need to celebrate a special occasion with family and friends. Most restaurant establishments will cater to your food and entertainment needs.
Your options in the Vaal Triangle are as wide as the open spaces.
Your options are alfresco, bistro, braaing, buffet, coffee shop, deli, family, fine dining, grills, Halaal, pizza and pasta, pub and grub, sushi and fish, take away’s, traditional and a sprinkling of fresh produce markets. Restaurants and Take – away’s are available for your convenience; however, you are in the right neck of the woods to take advantage of the outdoor facilities for a “Potjie”, “braai”, “Pap” en “vleis” or a picnic. Milk tart and syrupy, sweet “koeksisters” are the order of your stay…mmmm
by Megan Harker