Aloyz Wheels and Tyres
Body & Vehicle Parts & Accessories | Industry | Motor Car Parts & Accessories – Wholesale & Mnfs | Vanderbijlpark Central West 6 | Vehicles
We Specialize in Diagnostic, Suspension, Steering Components, Wheel Alignment, Wheel Balancing, Services, Tyres, Audios, Shocks, Brakes, Batteries,
Location: Vanderbijlpark No. 9 Edison BLVD CE 6 near RKB Drivetec | Vanderbijlpark Central West 6 | Vaal Tel: +27(0)730534881 Mobile: +27(0)730534881
Fine Forms
Advertising, Marketing & Media | Business | Business & Finance | Printers | Vanderbijlpark Central West 6
Litho and digital printing. Business cards, Letterheads, Invoice and all business documents. Pamphlets, certificates.