Vaal Vaal Marina News

Het jy geweet dat die eerste Voortrekkers omstreeks 1836 vir ‘n tyd lank kom uitspan het waar die Vaaldam vandag lê? Selfs Lou ...

The Vaal Dam's level currently stands at 34%. This time last year, the Vaal Dam was 75% full. To achieve the recommended 20% w ...

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi has unveiled new water security protocols to enhance water management and infrastructure. This ...

The National Department of Water and Sanitation has indicated that water will be released from the Sol Plaatje and Sterkfontein Da

Water and Sanitation Minister, Pemmy Majodina, has called on all the affected municipalities in the Free State to expedite pla ...

The police clamped down on an illegal fishing operation at the Vaal Dam on Friday (2 August 2024) during a Sedibeng rural safe ...

The Chair of Rand Water reassured Gauteng residents that the water supply will not be affected during the closure of the Lesot ...

Everyone is welcome to join in the day and night's fun on the Vaal River near Baddrift Bridge. You don't need to have your own ...

‘n Agtste sluis by die Vaaldam is op Woensdag 20 April, om 12:00 oopgemaak. An eighth sluice was opened at the Vaal Dam at 12: ...

Nog twee sluise sal vanoggend by die Vaaldam oopgetrek wo ... Two more sluices were opened at the Vaal Dam today. The first wa ...

The Department of Water and Sanitation opened two sluice gates at the Vaal Dam at 10h00 on Tuesday. A further three sluice gat ...

DENEYSVILLE. – Twee weke gelede kon Marina Smit van Hartebeesfon ... / Two weeks ago Marina smith of Hartbeesfontein on the ou ...

The Vaal Dam is 82 years old and has an intricate network of catchment areas. With a surface area of 32 000 hectares, it takes ...

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lock down restrictions LifeLine Vaal Triangle were unable to host their Annual General Meetin ...

Operasie om Leonel se sig te red dringend nodig ...

Warning: Please take care if you have direct contact with Vaal River water! HI e.COLI WARNING ...

The report prepared by the previous Public Protector, Me Thuli Madonsela, was released this afternoon after the court ordered its

On 16 September participants of the Southern Gauteng Regional Innovation Forum (SGRIF) presented their problem solving ...

Condom week was celebrated from 13th February this year and our Sebokeng Service Centre decided to take to the streets ...

My biological mother left me when I was three years old. She registered me as Theron and I was made to believe that my ...

With the winter chill already in the air, MinutemanPress is appealing to you to help

Ever wonder what the procedures is when buying our house and registering at the Deeds Office? Here is an informative graph explain

Wide Horizon Care’s Patron Hannes Muller better known as the ‘Grotman’ (Defending the Caveman) will be conducting his last show in

A paper we all knnow is "Triple Green" this paper has all the characteristics of being eco friendly...

Die Tekkie Tax veldtog het ‘n klomp van ons land se grootse, kleinste en mees betroubare welsynsorganisasies bymekaar gebring om s

'n Lank uitstaande duet is uiteindelik met Jennifer Jones en Steve Hofmeyr opgeneem. Die twee kunstenaars dreig al jare om eendag

Rotary Club Vanderbijlpark runs an annual project during which we take 60 senior citizens to Badplaas for a week’s holiday. As par

Ons kyk na vyf maande se behandeling terug na ‘n nier operasie en ses weke se chemoterapie bestraling en ons Karlatjie ly nie

The Midvaal Chamber of Commerce business of the year for 2013/14 is a three way tie between Flexilube, BSI Steel and Natures Choic