Recycling is for Everybody
If you see this truck and trailer around Henley on a Thursday morning slow down and take a closer look: They are Klip River Recyclers and they are collecting the white bags of paper and cardboard as well as the transparent bags of plastic. All that stuff is being saved from the land fill. We, at Klip River Recyclers, thank those residents who are participating in our Community Recycling Programme.
Unfortunately there are still many in Henley who still feel that it is not important or that it is too much trouble to separate and recycle their waste. However we hope that one day we will have 100% participation. We are dedicated to improving our environment and hopefully, with regular reminders, we will be able to increase the number of homes participating.
There are still some residents in Henley who are unaware of our recycling program and I ask those who are recycling to encourage their neighbours to participate. Bottles and cans are to be deposited in the bottle and can banks at the library, Total Garage and Fraser Park. Every Thursday we collect paper (in a white bag that is supplied) and all plastic including meat trays, clingwrap, plastic bottles in a transparent bag (obtainable at Plastic shop opposite Kentucky Chicken in Meyerton and from supermarkets) together with the white paper bag, but separate from the black bag which is collected by the MLM.
Klip Valley Recyclers is a community service that costs the resident nothing. We have linked up with an enterprise development organisation which is assisting us in developing our business more efficiently. Nevertheless, the only income we receive is from the sale of the recyclable items collected. We can only continue with the participation many more Henley residents. For any further information or assistance please contact me on 084 422 5101
– Joy Kirsten