Marloe Scott Wilson writing a weekly column for ShowMe Vaal!
ShowMe Vaal is proud to announce that our famous Pink Lady from the 80’s will be writing for us.
As mentioned in a previous article on ShowMe Vaal, Marloe Scott Wilson has retired to her beautiful little farm in Haenertsburg Limpopo where she lives with her husband horses and herb gardens. Read related article here:
Marloe has become an authority on herbs, vegetables and organic gardening/farming and has her own online column on her website.
She has agreed to submit a weekly article for ShowMe Vaal “surfers” on herb, vegetable and organic gardening.
So all you greenies out there, look out for Marloe’s weekly, “Keep it Green” article in which she will include interesting facts on organic gardening, herbs, exotic and well known vegetables.
She will deal with the health qualities and uses in each article.
You can read her very first ShowMe Vaal Keep it Green article here: