What is Coronavirus/Covid-19? All you need to know.
What is Coronavirus desease 2019?
Coronaviruses are large groups of viruses that are common among animals. These viruses can make people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness, similar to a common cold. A new coronavirus called COVID-19 was identified in China and is associated with an outbreak of pneumonia.
How it spreads.
The COVID-19 spreads mainly via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
The COVID-19 is spread through:
- The air by coughing and sneezing
- Close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands
- Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands
Mild to severe respiratory illness with:
- fever
- cough
- difficulty breathing
- sore throat
The complete clinical picture with regards to COVID-19 is still not clear. Patients with underlying illness and the elderly appear to be at increased risk of severe illness.
Who is at greater risk?
Currently travellers to Wuhan, China, Italy and other affected areas.
Treatment is supportive (e.g. provide oxygen for patients with shortness of breath or treatment for fever).
- There is no specific antiviral treatment available.
- Antibiotics do not treat viral infections. However, antibiotics may be required if bacterial secondary infection develops.
There are currently no vaccines available to protect you against COVID-19 infection. Transmission is reduced through:
- Washing hands often
- Avoid close contact with infected people
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, once used throw away.
- Avoid touching with unwashed hands
If you are mildly sick, keep yourself hydrated, stay at home, and rest.
Measures in place.
Fever screening is in place at international airports.
- Procedures are in place for case detection, isolation and management for quick diagnosis to be made.
- All health facilities will be able to manage suspected or confirmed cases and refer to the appropriate referral or designated hospital.
- Protocols are in place for follow up of case contacts to ensure that the virus does not spread.
Contact the General Public Hotline: 0800 029 999. Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 16:00.
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