Mountain Biking & Cycling In The Vaal Triangle
Free your endorphins by snaking your way through the Vaal Triangle on your bike.
Heidelberg, Meyerton, Parys, Sasolberg, Vaal Park, Vaal dam, Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark invite you to their Mountain biking trails ( MTB).
On holiday, training for a race or coming for a race there are plenty of facilities and amenities available, to accommodate your biking needs. The Vaal triangle hosts annual races i.e. Fast One and the Vaal Crater Cruise which takes place in Vredefort where the world’s largest meteorite impact zone rests.
The geographical location of Heidelberg makes it a perfect cycling and MTB route. Whilst in Heidelberg, Big Blade Cycles will take care of your minor and major maintenance requirements. Suikerbosrand nature reserve allows for bike rides. For Suikerbosrand rides, pre book your bikes from Swaxo Tours.
Swaxo tours say ” Bicycle Tours are economical, as they are affordable and accessible. Tourists are able to be hands on with community ventures and get authentic experiences of our lifestyle. “
If you need assistance Bass Lake Adventures will guide you on your Mountain biking routes. Less than a half an hour away from Vereeniging, close to Meyerton, Henli – on – Klip offers the Bass Lake MTB trail. Although a minor 4.7km this route will prove difficult although casual riders should not shy away as provisions are made for you. This is a clearly marked trail over jeep tracks with exquisite vistas of the Klip river and natural vegetation. Bikes are available for hire and maps are at the outdoor shop.
Entrance fee is R 45
Parys has a bevy of MTB routes. Book ahead at R 65per person ( p/p ) at the Otters Haunt Adventure Centre as limited day guests are allowed in. 2km from Parys, Otters Haunt Adventure Centre naturally provides various organised MTB trails, at varying distances and levels of difficulty. Levels of difficulty range from easy, moderate, difficult and extreme.
Starting points for trails are located at different points at the adventure centre. The routes include Tweezer Rocks, Oupa se Plaas ( Grandpa’s Farm ), Small Circle and Quarry. Mums ease your mind as The Child magazine has listed Otters Haunt Adventure Centre as a bike riding facility for kids.
Be Happy in the mountains is the meaning of Thabela Thabeng. It’s not necessary to book ahead.
This route is no walk in the park but it’s easy on the pocket, at an entrance fee of R 20.
The danger; it incorporates public and private roads. You start and pick up your map at the reception of Thabela Thabeng. An intermediate return trail of 10km will only take you, your perseverance and fitness to the kloof. At the apex you can savour the fruits of your labour and the marvel at the royal view. Then, what was a laborious push – ride trek becomes a rapid swoosh over a bumpy decline with tumultuous obstacles. Rocks, concrete strips, hairpin bends and dented jeep tracks keep your concentration on the trail and before you know it you’re over the Venterskroon road. The level of difficulty tapers as you pedal your way through the Vaal river floodplains and the Vredefort Dome Conservancy.
Alternately the Dampoort farm in Parys has an Intermediate to difficult 10 or 20km trail. Book in advance for a R 20 day visit or a R 50 Sleep over visit. Maps will be provided on a arrival at the farm. Here two trails are available. Dwarsberg 20km circuit, route trail offers a rough terrain ride. dodge thorns and cow pats. Avoid this route if you’re not prepared to put your skill and fitness to test. Puncture proofing is an essential skill as well as opening and closing farm gates. Ride through indigenous African bush and over cattle and jeep tracks as well as secondary roads. If you wish you may take the safer option via interlinking farm roads. Avoid Commando Nek road.
The 10km, return, Luiperd route will take you to the den of a leopard. Bushfires in a kloof are a real lethal threat. Turn back on the spot if you see or suspect a fire. Seek shelter immediately if a thunderstorm is threatening. This area is prone to attract lightening. This location is also known for the annual Crater Cruise race which takes place between the Vaal river and the dome Bergland mountains. In October, The Vaal Crater Cruise notoriously attracts road cyclists and mountain bikers alike.
Events include the MTN Ride Crater Cruise, Nissan Ride Crater Cruise and beginners race, The USN Ride Crater Cruise and the Road Cycle Race; ” Ride Master Blaster “. Not to be missed is the Elite Kêtáthelon. Mountain bikers compete to see who is the best kettie shot ( sling shot ). This is measured by hitting various targets. Kids can join in, in the racing by taking part in the Petite Cruise.
Megan Harker
What is it needed for one to join the cycling club.
Siyabonga Nhlapho
maritsa de Beer
Good day. we want to join please send me information
Jennifer Jones Entertainment
Hi Maritsa.
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