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LOCAL TIME: 05:14 pm | Friday, 14 February
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Vaal Clinics

The Vaal Day Clinics, Public Hospitals, Public Clinics and Free Clinics - community health-care in Vaal

Clinics Articles Open or Close the ShowMe™ Search Results
Kopanong’s R 200 Million Covid-19 hospital a disaster Kopanong’s R 200 Million Covid-19 hospital a disaster

uilt with money amounting to over R200 Million, the Kopanong Hospital Covid-19 facility, which was supposed to be completed 18 ...

Is jy ‘n tikkende tydbom? Slaap Apnea en Hartaanvalle! Is jy ‘n tikkende tydbom? Slaap Apnea en Hartaanvalle!

As iemand vir jou gesê het dat jou leeftyd risiko van 'n hartaanval naby aan 100% is, sal jy waarskynlik alles doen wat jy kan om

Tuberculosis - TB - The Silent Killer... Tuberculosis - TB - The Silent Killer...

The biggest problem with TB is that it can affect everyone around the person who has it.Treatment is available but those who defau

Lifeline Vaal Triangle pilots a new programme! Lifeline Vaal Triangle pilots a new programme!

A washable sanitary towel that is re-usable and doesn’t need discarding!

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