Lochvaal Emfuleni Welfare needs your help !
The Lochvaal Emfuleni Welfare provides 125 poor, hungry, homeless, vulnerable children, battered women, single mothers, rejected elderly, homeless families, with 3 meals per day (375 plates daily / 11’250 monthly), accommodation, clothing, etc. We receive no financial support from Government, and we are entirely reliant on your support to combat poverty and hunger.
Please, we’re in urgent need of gifts for our destitute, abused and batted, neglected mother’s to make them feel special on mother’s day. Any donation will be much appreciated.
We please apply for any donation of samples, testers, discontinued, damaged or “end of range” products and items such as feminine necessaries, perfumes, creams, facial products, jewellery, books etc. It will be highly appreciated as it assists with their self esteem, development and higiene. Even the smallest gesture of kindness can have a significant impact on someone’s life.
All donations regarding this project big and small are greatly appreciated as it is of great help. Please would you consider including us in your monthly budget.
The 50 beneficiaries that will contribute from your donation are abandoned, abused and traumatized mothers and granny’s that we care for on premises, physically and spiritually to uplift and empower them so that they can function independently and fit into society.
For your convenience you can download our documents below by clicking on the links.
SARS Tax Clearance Certificate
The Lochvaal Emfuleni Welfare is registered with the Department of Social Development as a non-profit welfare organisation (025-188 NPO), and is registered as a charity organisation PBO 930022657) with a Section 18(A) tax exemption with the Receiver of Revenue. Donations made by companies or individuals are tax deductible from taxable income. An Art.18(A) receipt will be issued on request.
As a community based welfare organisation we have the responsibility to be part of, and strive for, sustainable development and to deliver a quality service. We aim to make a difference with the help of concerned businesses and individuals. On behalf of the organisation we will be grateful for any support to help turn this “Mothers day Project” into a huge success. Any donations more than welcome please.
Please feel free to visit us anytime at 161 Nanescol A.H, Rusticana Road (4th Avenue– GPS navigation), Vanderbijlpark or contact our office at (016) 987-1948 or 083 496 9052, e-mail at lochvaallew@ yahoo.com and visit our website at www.lochvaalemfuleniwelfare.yolasite.com. Deposits can be made to the Lochvaal Emfuleni Welfare Fund, ABSA Bank, Vanderbijlpark, account number: 405 677 3506 with branch code: 632 005.