LifeLine Vaal Triangle-When life is tough and you have no one to talk to…
When life is tough and you have no one to talk to…, LifeLine is there for you.
Pick up the phone and give us a call. Talk to a counsellor.
Talk to us about anything that’s weighing you down, anything that’s bothering you, a relationship that’s making you unhappy, a trauma in your life, if you feel suicidal or just when you feel lonely. No issue is too big or small.
If it is important to you, it is important to us.
You don’t have to be at the end of the line to benefit from counselling. For any difficulty what so ever, you can gain from speaking to someone, particularly someone who is trained and whom you don’t know. Speaking to friends and family has its place, but there are often difficulties attached to talking to someone close to you. You may be worried that those you know are too close to the issue you are dealing with or whether they will understand. Confidentiality could also be a concern.
This is where speaking to a LifeLine counsellor is important, as our telephone counselling is anonymous and confidential. We create a safe environment for you to work through all your issues, with someone who isn’t part of your day-to-day life or your circle of friends and who is trained to help you work through your issues.
LifeLine offers 3 telephone counselling lines. We have a general national counselling line for callers to phone on all issues (0861 322 322). We also offer 2 toll free lines, namely the HIV Helpline (0800 012 322) as well as the Stop Gender Violence Helpline (0800 150 150). All 3 lines run for 24 hours 7 days a week, so you can phone at any time – day or night.
It has been a true privilege for LifeLine to have been reaching
out to you and supporting people in need for many years.
We are a national organisation providing counselling services
for free since 1968 – 47 years serving the community.
We offer a Self Growth and Counselling Skills course to
members of the community who are screened, trained and finally selected to be counsellors. This is a rigorous and lengthy process as not every person is cut to be a counsellor.
This course will benefit you even if you do not want to become a counsellor!!
For a LifeLine counsellor, learning and growing never stops. Counsellors receive ongoing training in trauma, rape and relationship counselling and many other areas. It is a continuous journey!
Many of life’s issues require more counselling than what is possible in one phone call. While talking to someone in the moment of need is important, telephone counselling can be followed by face-to-face counselling at one of our 14 centres in 8 provinces.
When life happens, you don’t have to be alone. You don’t have to struggle through on your own or suffer silently. We invite you to pick up the phone and give LifeLine a call.
Your Local 24/7 telephone number is 016 428 1640
Office number is 016 428 1740
Our Website:
LifeLine Vaal Triangle has Service Centres in Duncanville, Sebokeng, Sharpeville and Palm Springs and have a Shelter for abused women and their children.