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LOCAL TIME: 10:41 pm | Tuesday, 11 February
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Vaal Conservation

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Vaal Conservation Local Information
A Peculiar Pride to be Proud of A Peculiar Pride to be Proud of

I know these cheetahs. I have tracked them on foot several times, crouched down a mere 30 metres from Chilli, daughter of the ...

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"Emergency" Warning For Antarctica "Emergency" Warning For Antarctica

“Runaway ice loss causing rapid and catastrophic sea-level rise is possible within our lifetimes," the statement warns ...

Centre to assist with biocontrol on the Vaal River Barrage Reservoir Centre to assist with biocontrol on the Vaal River Barrage Reservoir

Due to the  nature of invasive alien plants, the Vaal Barrage system will need to carefully be managed for many years to ensur ...

Wetland rehabilitation beneficial to Parys Wetland rehabilitation beneficial to Parys

Wetlands in South Africa cover 2.4% of the country's surface, but 48% of wetland ecosystem types are critically endangered. As ...

Avian architects: weaver birds in Africa have unique building styles Avian architects: weaver birds in Africa have unique building styles

From afar, the acacia trees look like they have been decorated with grass pom-poms. The birds have been busy, building shelter ...

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