Vaal Ride

What started out as a marketing opportunity, supplying his bikes to a madcap adventure down Africa as a test of their durability

The good folk from Hero Adventure have taken their experience to another venue - at the Hobby Park just off Robert Broom drive...

Famed for its regular night races, Rosemary Hill bike park in Pretoria East has long been on my to do list...

The endless ramps, drops and brms will keep you on your toes and ensure you burn enough calories...

There can't be an English-speaking cycling fan on the planet who has not grown up without the voice of Phil Liggett...

What makes a good man, with a good job, a comfortable life and burgeoning racing pedigree pack it all in and ride through Africa?

Birds, beasts, berms and bushveld - it seems buffelsdrift has it all. "Average" Andy Steer headed up to Buffelsdrift MTB...

Another new category of bicycle is emerging, one that might even be pitch-perfect for South African riders...

With its prime location and ease of access from many of Joburg's more affluent suburbs, the PWC Cycle Park...

We can just imagine the excitement when Jbzi2Kozi guru Andy Coetzee suggested to his twin brother Mark that they ride from...

When you get an invitation to head off to the beautiful island of Mauritius, it's not something you easily turn down...

As you read this, we hope you are kicking back, feet up, with a cold drink, dreaming of your next ride. Which could be one of...

Far, far away, in a land filled with snow and malamutes, lives a bike nut named Bill Fleming. One day, he persuaded "Mr African...

Faster food, quicker manoeuvres, speedier techniques and record-breaking race tips from the riders and coaches whose sports ...

There's a lot more to Oudtshoorn than ostriches and the KKNK. With the expert input of unofficial mayor Matthys Beukes, Jazz ...

Seeing and being seen has come a long way in recent years. Spend some time on the roads in the early morning and you are sure...

Every year sees new events jostling for space on the MTB calendar. The most exciting new kid on the block in 2013 was the ...

There's room for improvement away from the bike in terms of what you consume and how you take care of your body.

Along the Garden Route lie the historic remains of South African mountain biking's beginnings. And some exceptional brand-new ...

4583 riders have completed this gruelling Absa Cape Epic eight-day mountain bike stage race, but only nine special athletes have

Andrew Steer has been riding at the Vlei Cycle Park in the south of Johannesburg for a few years now and the great riding trail...

Groenkloof Nature Reserve is a cycling gem right in the heart of Pretoria - and although he has tasted snippets of the area's ...

North of Pretoria is an ever-expanding and improving trail network that will leave you breathless. In a good way, as Andrew ...

Adele Tait explores the rejuvenation of one of our favourite African adventures. Bike4Beasts (B4B) started off as an annual ...

There is plenty of two-wheeled African adventure on tap within our borders. But Lynne Mackie ventured a little further afield, ...

Five days of Wild riding left Steve Shapiro lusting for more. The rewards of mountain biking underpin so much of what I value.

In 2012, Grant Usher crushed the Old Mutual JoBerg2c on his singlespeed. As one does. So he wasn't really surprised to find him...

Work, family, the bike - not many can juggle all three and be successful. We speak to some racing snakes who do just that.

Lately we have seen the rise in scary statistics about the use of performance enhancing drugs in school athletes. Signs to ...

The inaugural Tankwa Trek offered Craig Kolesky and Tyrone Rawlins a fine opportunity to fine-tune their Absa Cape Epic train ...