Vaal Living & Loving

Unlock your child's natural talents by engaging with the world. Life is busy and getting busier. We're constantly bombarded...

With the summer and swimming season ahead, triathlete and swim coach Britt Hyland chats to Peacock about introducing babies...

Paediatric optometrist Leoni Joubert chats to Tammy Jacks about the importance of spotting any vision problems in your child...

Children learn from our behaviour long before they hear the lessons we teach them. Here's how to show them the value of money...

Spend quality time with your kids while they learn more about science, art, history and culture...

We show you how to throw the ultimate party for your little girl and all her fairy friends...

Good manners aren't taught in a day, but if you start from an early age your children will grow up to be polite and considerate...

Diagnosed with endometriosis at a young age, Prevashni Naidu discovered at age 28 that she was on a slippery slope to becoming...

Every parent wants their child to feel safe. Unfortunately, living in South Africa, crime is a daily reality...

If your child is under the age of five and still wetting the bed, there's only one thing to do: don't worry - it's perfectly...

Although a learning difficulty can only be diagnosed when your child is around six years old, there are indicators that will...

Choosing a creche or preschool is a big decision. Here's some advice to help you make a good choice...

Would you take your nine-week-old on a journey across the world? Or your four young children on a month-long road trip across...

Summer's a fun time of sea, sand and sun, but unfortunately, mishaps and hidden dangers do tend to lurk everywhere you go ...

Dealing with a toddler can get even the most patient mom hot under the collar. Try these great tips for dealing with tricky...

Our round-up of six fun and educational kiddies' TV shows. This informative article gives you a choice that is safe and fun for ..

Almost all toddlers give their parents grey hairs at meal times. Try some of these tricks to tempt your toddler's palate. You...

Winter is the perfect time to pack the car with the kids and head for a mountain retreat. Lisa Witepski unpacks four she's ...

Parents who always fight and bicker might believe it won't affect their young kids. Think again, says clinical psychologist ...

Before you bring your brand-new baby home from hospital, you need to prepare your furry friends for the new arrival. Bringing a...

Marie McFarlane unpacks the different activity clubs available so you can find the right one for you and your baby.

Understanding your children's personality types can help influence the way you empower them. Recent studies have revealed that...

Sperm donation has helped thousands of single women, single-sex couples and infertile men become parents.

The general rule is that you have sex six weeks after giving birth. That's the theory, anyway The reality can be quite different.

We all talk about our kids online, don't we? The real question we should be asking is, "Should we?" In an article posted ...

Children are naturally fascinated by water. So the sooner they learn to be safe around it, the better. We share handy tips and ...

Creative parenting expert and seasoned toy judge, Nikki Bush, shares her insights about the staggering developments in the ...

Divorces are usually unpleasant, emotional and sometimes downright hurtful. Problem is, it's easy to forget we aren't the only ...

To ensure healthy emotional growth, it's important to notice if your little one is feeling unworthy or lacking in confidence.

Successful pregnancies do happen later in life - as these women prove. British statistics reveal that the average age of women ...