Jennifer Jones releases a single after 8 years of “silence”
Jennifer Jones officially released her single, Face in the Mirror on the digital platform, BandCamp. Although it was recorded in 2007 it was never released or hit the airwaves.
It was one of those that was put in the drawer, metaphorically speaking, and kind of forgotten.
What makes this track so special is that it was a literal “one take” affair in the recording studio. Her producer at the time, Craig Marais asked her to lend an ear to a track he laid down and halfway through listening to the tune, she blurted out: “Get me in the booth!”
With no writing or paper involved the lyrics poured out and Face in the Mirror was born.
Spontaneity was key.
When asked why she only released the track now she replies that it just felt right to release now.
A lot went on since 2007, in 2013 I released my 2nd album ReNewed, Face in the Mirror just didn’t feature, although I would often perform the track live.” At my last performance, I noticed the audience reaction and decided, it’s time, give it to the people.
Thoughtfully she comments:
Face is literally a reflection of how I was feeling about myself at the time, it’s a pretty sombre song but I think it makes the listener reflect you know? Upon themselves, that’s what it’s meant to do.
When asked if we can expect more releases in the near future she replies that she wants to go back to her Jazz, Soul roots. She doubts if she will release an album and won’t approach a record label again but will continue to release singles independently on digital platforms.
Face in the Mirror is available for purchase and download on BandCamp
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