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Book Review:  The Book of Elsewhere Book Review: The Book of Elsewhere

A mind-blowing epic from Keanu Reeves and China Miéville, unlike anything these two genre-bending pioneers have created before ...

Book Review: First People: The Lost History of the Khoisan Book Review: First People: The Lost History of the Khoisan

First people communities are the groups of hunter-gatherers and herders, representing the oldest human lineages in Africa, who ...

Book Review: Beachcombing in South Africa Book Review: Beachcombing in South Africa

Anyone who spends time beside the sea knows there's a wealth of 'treasure' to be found, be it natural or manufactured, living ...

Book Review: Stuarts Book Review: Stuarts' Field Guides to National Parks & Game Reserves

In this first ever guide to the diverse parks and reserves beyond the borders of South Africa, Chris & Mathilde Stuart explore ...
