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LOCAL TIME: 08:30 am | Saturday, 15 February
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Vaal Arts & Culture

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Vaal Arts & Culture Local Information
Geoglief kan Koepel-toerisme ‘n hupstoot gee Geoglief kan Koepel-toerisme ‘n hupstoot gee

Geogliewe is ‘n antieke kunsvorm, en die oudste een waarvan ons as mens bewus is, is van ‘n reuse eland. Dit is ongeveer 6 000 ...

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Creative Christmas tree decoration ideas! Creative Christmas tree decoration ideas!

Christmas tree decorations make the holidays more magical and get you and your family into the holiday spirit. There’s no righ ...

Fossil finds: a glimpse into our ancestors’ lives Fossil finds: a glimpse into our ancestors’ lives

Mention the word “fossils” to people and most will probably think of bones. Of course, body fossils make up a large part of th ...

Anglo-Boer War: a bloody conflict still shapes South Africa Anglo-Boer War: a bloody conflict still shapes South Africa

The 125th anniversary of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 is marked on 11 October 2024. Also known as the South African War or the

Ancient human DNA from South Africa sheds light on history Ancient human DNA from South Africa sheds light on history

Oakhurst rock shelter is an archaeological site near the town of George on the southern coast of South Africa. It is set into ...

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