De Smidt’s Timbers – Gum Poles | Wooden Poles
Round, cylindrical poles made from a variety of wood such as eucalyptus, pine and other hardwood varieties.
Manufactured for use of building, fencing and construction.
Available Untreated, CCA Treated or Synthetic (oil) Treated
CCA Treatment
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) is a water-soluble inorganic pesticide. Most commonly used as a wood preservative to make it resistant to attack by termites and fungi that cause decay.
The wood is dipped on a solution of CCA and subjected to vaccuum presure to force penetration of CCA into the wood.
Freshly treated CCA timber can be identified by it’s yellow/greenish colour, which fade to grey over time.
Synthetic (oil) treatment
Synthetic treated wood is very durable and weather resistant and can be used outdoors and in water.
The treated wood has a characteristic smell and a thick black or dark brown color.
This is great for heavy duty applications such as electricity / telephone poles, railway sleepers, bridges or wooden jetties but should definitely never be used indoors.
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