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LOCAL TIME: 02:27 pm | Saturday, 08 February
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Vaal Water Management

The Vaal Agricultural Water Management Supplies and Services. Farm Irrigation equipment and agricultural water sourcing and water saving products in or near Vaal and in Vaal Triangle.
  • Borehole Drilling, Cleaning & Maintenance
  • Borehole Equip & Supplies
  • Reservoir Installations
  • Windmills

Water Management Articles Open or Close the ShowMe™ Search Results
Drinking water safety in South Africa Drinking water safety in South Africa

Water in South Africa is generally safe to drink and cook with when taken from taps in urban areas. The Department of Water Af ...

Vaalrivier elke dag in groter moeilikheid Vaalrivier elke dag in groter moeilikheid

AfriForum het Maandag ’n brief aan Senzo Mchunu, minister van water en sanitasie, gerig nadat dit aan die lig gekom het dat ri ...

Water smart urban design can benefit Emfuleni’s environment Water smart urban design can benefit Emfuleni’s environment

Despite the flooding, our stormwater systems had a primary flush. Henceforth, the water will keep cleaning dirt and grime, aft ...

Vaal Dam faces pollution problem Vaal Dam faces pollution problem

Community member Darrel Robson said he feared for the impending rainy season because it would increase the flow of sewerage in ...

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