This Week's Event Calendar: Vaal
Vaal Guest Speakers
The Vaal motivational, inspirational and keynote professional speakers. Find talks, corporate events, workshops and other events featuring guest speakers in The Vaal.
Guest Speakers Articles
Vaal Care - HIV / AIDS Workshop
Our HIV/AIDS Facilitator Sanah Ramone has more then 30 years experience presenting at CABSA training workshops, Inter-faith or ...
The Entrepreneurial Success Ladder
Entrepreneurs are not born. Entrepreneurs are made and more importantly, they are self-made. There are no “Donald Trump” success s
Fonds Insameling Vir Danica Lotter
Ons hou die 26ste Oktober 2013, 15h00, by Vereeniging stadsaal ‘n fondsinsameling vir Danica...
Are your staff members aware of the implications of being infected with HIV/AIDS?
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Are your staff members aware of the implications of being infected with HIV/AIDS?