Vaal Property to Rent
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Property to Rent Articles

Property to Rent
Prime Office Space to Rent
Expires: 12/02/2025Classifieds | For Rent | Property | Property & Real Estate | Property Rentals | Property to Rent | Tour our Suburbs | Vanderbijlpark South East 2
Prime Office Space to rent at 1 Macowen Str Vanderbijlpark SE2. (Corner of Macowen Str and Louis Trichardt Blvd)
Contact Renita Lombard – +27(0)82 416 1710
Tuinwoonstel te huur – Risiville
Expires: 12/02/2025Classifieds | Property to Rent
Tuinwoonstel / Cottage te huur in ‘n baie rustige deel van Risiville
1 Slaapkamer
Ruim Kombuis met kaste
TV Kamer
Aparte ingang na die woonstel met onder dak parkering en alarm stelsel
R3300 per maand
Deposito kan in twee maande afbetaal word
Skakel asb vir Stephan 082 943 0108