AHI – Finansiële Bestuurder – Financial Manager
Die AHI, ‘n inklusiewe, multisektorale georganiseerde sakeorganisasie, met Hoofkantoor in Pretoria, benodig die dienste van ‘n Finansiële Bestuurder.
Die suksesvolle kandidaat, wat rapporteer aan die HUB, sal verantwoordelik wees vir onder andere die volgende:
Bestuur van finansiële kantoor insluitend liasering van alle finansiële dokumente, personeel en diensverskaffers kontrakte, verlofvorms, opdatering van Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens se databasis met personeel/diensverskaffers se kontrak inligting, salarisstrokies aan personeel en berging en argivering van geouditeerde rekords. Die persoon sal verder verantwoordelik en behulpsaam wees vir algemene navrae ivm finansies: samestelling en byhou van Debiteure-databasis en registers, finansiële administrasie insluitend betaling van krediteure, invordering van debiteure, betaling van salarisse, finansiële administrasie van donateurs-en internasionale fondse, die opstel van die jaarlikse begroting en Borge/Donateurs en Boekhouerdienste. Die persoon sal ook verantwoordelik wees vir die AHI beleggingsfondse. Oor hierdie en ander aangeleenthede word van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag om verslag te doen op ‘n maandelikse basis aan die onderskeie AHI entiteite.
‘n Mededingende salaris word vir hierdie posisie aangebied. Persone met ‘n gepaste rekenkundige tersiëre kwalifikasie tesame met vaardigheid in pastel, excel, en algemene rekenaarvaardigheid word versoek om aansoek te doen teen 1 Maart 2016. Stuur aansoeke met ‘n volledige CV en verwysings aan accounts@ahi.co.za. Die AHI onderskryf die beleid van gelyke indiensneming.
The AHI, an inclusive multi-sectoral business organisation with its Head Office in Pretoria, requires the services of a Financial Manager.
The successful candidate, reporting to the CEO, will be responsible for among other:
Managing the financial office including filing of all financial documents, staff and supplier contracts, leave forms, updating of South African Revenue Services’ database, with staff /service suppliers’ contract information, pay advice to staff and as well as storage and archiving of audited records. The candidate will furthermore be responsible for and assisting with general enquiries in respect with finances, collating and keeping of debtors databases and registers, financial administration including payment of creditors, debtors collection, payment of salaries, financial administration of sponsors and international funders, drafting of the annual budget as well as sponsors/donations and bookkeeping services. The person will also be responsible for the AHI investment funds. The successful candidate is required to report to the respective AHI entities on these and other related matters on a monthly basis.
A competitive salary is offered for this position. Candidates with an appropriate tertiary accounting qualification skilled in pastel, excel and general computer skills are requested to apply for this position by 1 March 2016. Send applications with a detailed CV and references to accounts@ahi.co.za. The AHI subscribes to the policy of employment equity.