Sowetans Go Hiking
Hiking Trails
Hiking is such an exciting subject for me. I do it with passion and I am always looking forward to my next adventure the minute I set foot home from a hiking trip. I am blown away by nature and what it has to offer, God’s creation at its best, the amazing landscapes, the fresh healthy breeze away from the polluted air of the cities. Every time I have to relate my experiences I never know where to start.
“Kasi ke kasi” and we do things differently and most of the time we stick to what we already know, something closer to home; we would rather leave some activities to certain groups of people. Maybe this isn’t right, we need to explore from time to time. Hiking is one such activity. Let me tell you this, once you start hiking, you get hooked for life and your whole perception about such activities will change completely.
According to the oxford dictionary a hike is a “long walk or walking tour: a five-mile hike across rough terrain” the Collins dictionary extended it to include “for pleasure”
My interest in the outdoors started when I was a boy scout. However, I started hiking seriously in 1998 in Mpumalanga at Suikerboschfontein hiking trail with three of my colleagues at the time and that was it; I was hooked and never looked back.
Grand grand, this is one of the most cost-effective activities one can ever do. It can be enjoyed by persons of any age or gender. All you have to do is to choose a suitable trail and you are good to go. I will list all that is required towards the end of this article and you are welcome to join me and my crew on our next adventure trip. We go hiking five times a year; February, April, July, September, and December.
My recent hike experience was a two-day trail in Rustenburg, approximately one and half hour’s drive from Johannesburg, at the Kgaswane Nature Reserve with thirteen other guys from The Freeway Tabernacle in Chiawelo. The trail is called the Summit trail and it is a 25.3km long circular route. The interesting part about our adventures is that the fun starts immediately as we leave home in our cars.
We arrived at our base camp called Naga camp just after 5 pm in the afternoon. We camped for the night and prepared for the next day. At 6 am the next morning we left the camp for the great walk and this ended at around 4 pm at our next base camp, the first thing we did was take turns to shower, while others prepared fire. We then sat in a circle around the fire, jokes, and laughter all the way and we enjoyed braaied meat before throwing ourselves into our sleeping bags.
Our recent trails include Thabaphaswa near Potgietersrus, in Limpopo, Suikerboschfontein in Carolina district of Mpumalanga, Ingogo hiking and horse trails in Newcastle, KwaZulu Natal, and Bald Ibis in Swinburne, KwaZulu Natal.
Hiking is not as difficult as it looks. There are various trails that one can do.
Hikes range from 1 day to even 10 days walks, overnight backpack to wilderness trails.
1. Day hikes: Are good for family or friends and gives you a feel of the real thing and are not hard at all.
2. Day Backpack: You really get to enjoy backpacking and being in the bush. It requires some degree of fitness though. These types of trails normally provide hikers with basic amenities. Huts with bunk beds, ablutions, pots, and pans. You need to inquire when making reservations.
3. Wilderness trails: These walks require experienced hikers. You need to be physically fit and they require some knowledge to read a map.
What you need
You need good hiking boots, backpack, sleeping bag, pocket knives, first aid kit, lighter, torch, map, cellphone, food, and water.
Want to go hiking?
Contact Smith on 078 285 2104
Article and photos by Smith Mangena.