2015 Annual Convention
The final day of the three-day “Imitate Jesus!” convention held at the Midrand Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses came to conclusion today.
The convention program which was held in South African Sign Language (SASL) was open to the public for free. The program ran from Friday, 11 September to Sunday, 13 September 2015, the convention had many deaf visitors from Limpopo, Mpumalanga and the Free State, as well as some from neighbouring countries such as Swaziland and Botswana. The special highlight was the live broadcast to attendees in Durban and Botswana (Gaborone).
This convention shed light on Jesus’ life, his ministry and how we can all imitate him. A highlight of the program was the keynote address on Friday morning, which discussed how Jesus unlocked spiritual truths found in the Bible. Grasping those truths will add meaning to our lives now and can lead to “the real life”—endless life in God’s promised new world of righteousness soon to come.
On Friday, 355 were in Midrand, 189 in Durban and 39 in Botswana. The program got off to a jubilant start with the release of the brochure entitled “Return to Jehovah?” This Bible study aid will assist those who have become weighed down by troubles and anxieties of life and have drifted from Jehovah God as a result. This brochure will examine Bible accounts of how Jehovah helped his servants in the past when they faced similar circumstances.
On Saturday, the convention had 424 in attendance, 245 in Durban and 51 in Botswana. Three animated videos for children entitled: “Be Generous”, “Be Appreciative” and “Be Truthful” were released and will be available later for download on JW.ORG. This was then followed by the release of the book entitled “Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The Life”. The book discusses an account of the life and ministry of Jesus; it reveals what he was like, what he taught and did, and how we can benefit.
The special highlight of our Saturday program was the dedication to Jehovah God by means of water baptism. Six people dedicated their lives to Jehovah, 420 beaming faces witnessed this special occasion. The six consisted of Witbank resident, Thabang Lekau; Bloemfontein resident, Joseph Khaladi; Soshanguve resident Jabulani Muhlulo; Kagiso resident, Rachel Moshoete; Dobsonville resident, Babalwa Phakati and Welkom resident, Disebo Mofokeng.
Finally, the concluding talk on Sunday afternoon, “‘As the Storm Approaches, Maintain Your Focus on Jesus!” The talk contained advice on how we can maintain our focus on Jesus when we face trials and tribulations.
The special highlight of the Sunday program was a South African Sign Language full-costume biblical drama entitled: ‘For a Certainty God Made Him Lord and Christ’—Part II. The dramatic account focussed on significant events in Jesus’ life.
Another special feature was the release of the DVD entitled “What is True Love?” The DVD uses bible principles to help Christians to choose a good marriage mate and how to show true love to each other once married.
The thoughts behind the final SASL signed poetry song, “Forward, You Witnesses!” was performed by 513 in Midrand, 243 in Durban and 55 in Botswana. What is even more noteworthy about this convention, there was one deaf and blind from Swaziland! All left with a bitter-sweet feeling: bitter for having to say goodbye to old and newly made friends, but sweet and happy due to the fantastic spiritual teachings that were learned and the fellowship enjoyed. All were encouraged and thoroughly convinced to continue to ‘Imitate Jesus!’
This convention program has been recorded to be viewed at the following dates and venues: 23 -25 October 2015 in PE and 18 -20 September 2015 in Cape Town