Glencore Ferroalloys’ lifesaving donation to local hospital
Glencore Ferroalloys donates lifesaving machine to the Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital in Rustenburg, North West.
20 February 2023 – Glencore Ferroalloys’ Rustenburg Smelter recently partnered with LLT Medical Specialist Equipment to provide the Liberty Lane Trading Criticool Machine to the Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital in Rustenburg, North West. The Criticool machine is a lifesaving medical innovation particularly in the fight against the effects of Asphyxia (lack of oxygen to the brain), which often results in a myriad of brain injuries such as Cerebral Palsy and other neuromotor diseases that can be fatal, if left untreated.
The Criticool machine is also one of the most effective solutions to a condition called Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), a brain injury caused by the disrupted flow of oxygenated blood to a baby’s brain around the time of birth. According to the World Health Organization, HIE is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide in children under 5 years of age.
Through the use of the Criticool machine early on, the patient survival rate increases exponentially to an average of 85% and above, making this innovation an integral part of ICUs across the world.
“What is inspiring about the rise of science and technology in this era is their ability to form as part of the solutions for so many of the world’s challenges. When we discovered the lifesaving technology behind the Criticool machine, we knew we had to make it accessible to our community members. Everything we do as Glencore is underpinned by our values, part of which is responsibility and this just means that we are committed to doing whatever is in the best interest of our communities. We have no doubt that this machine will have a lasting impact in patient care for future generations to come,” said Glencore Rustenburg Smelter Finance Manager, Thapelo Mogorosi.
The Criticool machine will be used in the Neonatal ward for a number of conditions including: drownings, traumatic brain injury, cardiac arrest and severe burns.
“As one of the tertiary hospitals in the province, we are very privileged to have a machine that will save the lives of patients which will impact our greater community. We are excited to have the machine as part of our hospital because it means we can save more lives but more importantly children will have the opportunity to live a good quality life. With close to 600 births per month at the hospital, we are confident that should cases of HIE arise, we will be well equipped to handle them,” said Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital, Clinical Manager, Dr Valencia Simmons.
LLT Medical Specialist Equipment Representative, Quinton Roeloffze believes in the companies saying of ‘Big things for little people’ because it speaks to the very aim of ensuring that we save the lives of infants so we can encourage successful futures.
“Glencore has stayed true to the testament that it takes a village to raise a child through their willing nature to support the lives of this community. We therefore find value in our slogan of the butterfly effect, for it encourages taking one step which benefits many around you. I have been witness to the Criticool machine saving more than 100 000 lives every year and I am thrilled to know that it will do the same for the patients of Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital,” said Roeloffze.
The partnership between the two organisations speaks to Glencore’s commitment to investing in the health of communities near their operations. Through the partnership, the smelter aims to provide opportunities for advancing and prolonging the lives of community members.