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LOCAL TIME: 07:10 pm | Monday, 10 February
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Pretoria Children & Youth

Child welfare organisations in Pretoria focusing on child abuse, street children, charities and all youth related welfare. Find out where to volunteer and how you can help the youth of Pretoria.

Children & Youth Articles Open or Close the ShowMe™ Search Results
Empowering Ga-Rankuwa Learners with School Shoes Empowering Ga-Rankuwa Learners with School Shoes

In a Uplifting community effort, more than 200 pairs of school shoes have been collected to support underprivileged learners...

Partners Unite to Combat Period Poverty for School Girls Partners Unite to Combat Period Poverty for School Girls

In a remarkable display of fatherly initiative, a group of dedicated dads devised a solution: Sanitary Towel Vending Machines...

Empowering Youth: Hoërskool Silverton Hosts Empowering Youth: Hoërskool Silverton Hosts 'Boys2Men'

Learners at Silverton Hoërskool Educated on the Dangers of Illegal Substances...

Good Samaritans helps Feed Over 200 in Jeffsville Good Samaritans helps Feed Over 200 in Jeffsville

Jeffsville, home to many disadvantaged individuals and families, received a much-needed boost recently provided with a warm meal..

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