Dr. Ronel Benade
Dr. Ronel Benade has been chosen to represent Pretoria as a Mrs Commonwealth SA 2014 Pageant finalist.
Dr. Ronel has two doctorates, one in Ministry/ D.Min and secondly a PhD in Christian Media. She describes her husband, Jaco Benade as her ultimate hero, and she is a very proud mother to two great young men.
Ronel hopes to represent South Africa in England this year in November and the grand finale is on the 29th August, at the spectacular Lyric Theatre at Gold Reef City.
ShowMe Pretoria caught up with Dr. Ronel Benade to find out more about her journey as a Mrs Commonwealth SA 2014 Pageant finalist so far:
Have you been living in Pretoria all your life?
Hi ShowMe Pretoria, no I have not lived in Pretoria all my life, actually I can almost describe my Pre-Pretoria days as that of a gypsy-life, here-there and every-where. This I think, qualifies me as an “expert” as to where the best and worst of what SA has on its map of Cities. Pretoria is my home; I would not exchange this city for any other.
Tell us more about The Commonwealth?
The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations which support each other and work together towards international goals. It is a “family” of peoples. With their common heritage in language, culture, law, education and democratic traditions, among other things, Commonwealth countries are able to work together in an atmosphere of greater trust, and understanding than generally prevails among nations. There are 53 countries in the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth has no formal constitutional structure. It works from understood procedures, traditions and periodic statements of belief or commitment to action. Intergovernmental consultation is the main source of direction, enabling member governments to collaborate to influence world events, and setting up programmes carried out bilaterally or by the Commonwealth Secretariat, the association’s main executive agency. The most wide-used definition of the Commonwealth is taken from the Declaration of Commonwealth Principles, 1971: The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states….consulting and cooperating in the common interest of their peoples and in the promotion of international understanding and world peace.
Why did you decide to enter The Commonwealth Pageant?
I always knew I am destined to influence, and be an influence to those in influential positions. This is what the Commonwealth platform enables me to be.
Without being forceful I can impart values and beliefs that will encourage others to seek or find a way they in turn can uplift and bring change within our South African communities. We have many needs in South Africa and yet, at the same time, much to offer. This is what the World needs to hear and see, the Greatness of South Africa. We have been through the worst and overcame, that speak to me of awesomeness. I am proud of My Country; South Africa.
How has your life changed since entering The Commonwealth Pageant?
Entering the Commonwealth pageant has release a sense of hope. Especially in women, also a sense of pride, there is a definite “anointing” of peace and commonality to seek peace associated with the competition. I don’t like that word “competition” in this pageant because definite friendships have been formed already. This is just the beginning of and incredible journey and the business skills developed within this journey is just one of the many benefits accomplished.
What do you think is the best kept secret in Pretoria?
The heart and support our people have to offer. There is a willingness to be a change; people just need n push or guidance in the right direction. We have an openness and friendliness that can only be found in Pretoria.
Then off course we have the best climate, Jacarandas, Parliament, Embassy’s, and so much more….
How can people support you and your cause?
Pretoria you can support me by voting on a sms line: SMS Ronel Benade to 42899. Get onboard with the Pink Drive R20 Challenge
Like my FaceBook page: DrRonel Benade Mrs Commonwealth SA 2014 Finalist.
And if there are any businesses who would like to benefit in advertising by sponsorship please send me an email and I will gladly forward the sponsorship proposal. Email: mrscw2014@gmail.com
Thank you Pretoria for your support.