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LOCAL TIME: 09:13 am | Saturday, 15 February
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Pretoria Local Personalities

Fancy getting to know some of our local celebrities, sports & business personalities, and other interesting locals? In our Local Personalities Pages, ShowMe introduces you to our local peeps, movers and shakers, big kahunas, and fundis!

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Young Talent Shines in Classical Music Young Talent Shines in Classical Music

At just 17 years old, Jayden Sauer is setting the classical music world ablaze...

David Gresham Records  Releases Morayks’ New Single David Gresham Records Releases Morayks’ New Single

The David Gresham Record Company is excited to announce the release of Morayks’ latest single, "Rakgadi Le Malome" ...

Gerduan Kemp: ’n Stygende Ster in Suid-Afrika se Musiekbedryf Gerduan Kemp: ’n Stygende Ster in Suid-Afrika se Musiekbedryf

Ek het geweet as ek wou sukses behaal in die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf, moes ek in Pretoria wees...

Tiaan Massyn Impressie met Seelvolle Nuwe Enkelplaat Tiaan Massyn Impressie met Seelvolle Nuwe Enkelplaat

GUNSTELING SPYT is 'n indrukwekkende pop-ballade, geskryf deur Ernes Smit...

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