Pretoria Interactive
The Master Power Technologies Air Show took place at the Air Force Base in Zwartkop on the 12th of M...
Guests enjoyed a glass of wine and snacks while chatting to the artists and browsing their work ......
Cullifest 2012 was a combination of expo's, entertainment, a variety of stalls and great food! ......
Wagging tails and excited barks filled the air at the Annual Tshwane SPCA Wag A Walk event ......

At just 17 years old, Jayden Sauer is setting the classical music world ablaze...

The David Gresham Record Company is excited to announce the release of Morayks’ latest single, "Rakgadi Le Malome" ...

Ek het geweet as ek wou sukses behaal in die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf, moes ek in Pretoria wees...

GUNSTELING SPYT is 'n indrukwekkende pop-ballade, geskryf deur Ernes Smit...

The inception of Cantrel came during these jam sessions, setting the stage for their musical journey...

Emerging from a self-imposed exile, the Pretoria Boy’s High alumnus is ready to redefine his career...

Die liedjie, wat op 3 Mei op digitale platforms verskyn het, kombineer eenvoud met diepgaande betekenis...

Musiek is my lewe. Dit is wie ek is," beklemtoon Martin Botha wanneer hy sê dat hy nie 'n enkele dag sonder musiek kan wees nie...

Last year, Jacaranda FM shared the devastating news that renowned radio personality Bongani Nxumalo started to lose his eyesight..

The start of a new year is more than just turning a page on the calendar...

Listeners in Pretoria have made it clear that Martin Bester and Jacaranda FM are their top choice...

Bekende musikant Joshua na die Reën, ook bekend as Jacques de Villiers, het onlangs 'n sentimentele reis na Pretoria aangepak...

Die beeldskone klank van musiek het altyd die siel van die jong sangeres Zoé Jacobs aangeraak....

Sy het 'n onvergeetlike merk op die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf gelaat...

Muller Brant se reis as musikant is 'n getroue weerspieëling van sy persoonlike en kulturele reis...

Die sanger met n betowernede stem, met 'n splinternuwe vrystelling wat almal se voete laat jeuk....

Armand 'het indrukwekkende versameling treffers om mee te spog...

As jou lewe deur ’n siekte bedreig word, besef jy eers presies hoé intens jy lief is vir jou geliefdes en hoe bereid jy is om ook.

Currently, Clement is organizing a music camp for underprivileged youth who lack the financial means to cover studio fees...

Hierdie geestelike snit geskryf om luisteraars weer ‘n vars perspektief te gee oor die Grootheid van God...

“Liewe Lawwe Lettie” is ’n lighartige liedjie, wat jou sal laat glimlag wanneer jy dit hoor...

What she enjoyed most about the three years it took to put the album together was creating something out of nothing...

Hul nuutste enkelsnit “Huurvry” stuur die groep se klank in ’n totale nuwe rigting...

South African radio personality Rob Forbes has built a formidable career for himself within the local radio space...

Sy sing al so lank as wat sy kan onthou en het amptelik die musiekmark betree toe sy in 2018 op die ouderdom van 16...

Die Centurion-sangeres Zahn maak ’n groot impak in die plaaslike musiektoneel met haar warm diep sjokoladestem...

Trots Afrikaans” se lirieke het eendag by Jeanette se deur kom klop...

Thinus Van Der Westhuizen has become the fourth South African chef to be awarded the prestigious Michelin Star...

Hendro ‘Hennas’ du Plessis se passie vir musiek volg hom al sy hele lewe lank...

“Need You More” is ’n kragtige aanbiddingslied wat praat oor die behoefte aan meer van God...

Pretoria-gospelsanger Arnold de Wet het ’n passie vir musiek en het ’n belangrike boodskap om met sy luisteraars te deel...

A Centurion singer and radio presenter has made history becoming the first South African to perform at the Grand Ole Opry House...

Irene-Louise van Wyk was nominated for Pretoria FM Aitsa Artist of the year and Pop song of the year...

Hawman said as a young artist, his plans for the future include releasing more songs and being on stage as much as possible...

Jacques and Liezel are making their dreams come true with new single...

We’re just days away from MUSIC OF THE NIGHT one composer, many lyricists...

Juan Boucher and his Shamodene shares special moments of their big day in new music video...

14-year-old mental health advocate JESS ROBUS shines a light on youth mental health in her inspiring debut book...

Powerful single released to complement superhero theme of new children’s book, My Family of Superheroes...

In 2020, Centurion singer Willem van der Ryst made headlines with his song, Knipmes Aand...

Hot new band, Tailor & Tramp, impresses with debut single, Midnight Temptation...

Pieter Marcato, recently dropped his single EK ONTHOU JOU, and now the beautiful music video has just been released...

New Children's Book, where all children are superheroes, My Family of Superheroes, now available...

8 Things You Never Knew About TV & Radio Personality Graeme Richards...

It is a gripping contemporary duet by the brand-new Afrikaans group, Ariose...

Reynardt is in Durban gebore, maar het aan Hoërskool Zwartkop in Centurion gematrikuleer. Hy het in graad-elf ontdek dat hy ...

Henrico Coetzer is a singer, musician and songwriter from Pretoria. His debut album, released in 2012, was very well received ...

ONE VOICE, impressed audiences from the get-go and has managed to establish a solid fan base for themselves...

Hot new SA music force OLI Milne is out with his third single titled ‘Making Me’...

South African producer, director and writer Ferdinand W Gernandt is taking the screenwriting world by storm...

Rinél Day celebrates a decade in the music industry with new album and single...

Wit Kasteel's second single, Herinnering, will Definitely lure you to the dance floor...

10 Things You Never Knew About TV & Radio Personality Karabo Ntshweng...

Some of our local celebrities have shared some heart-warming messages paying tribute to their patriarchs ahead of Father’s Day ...

Mmasea PeTje, no stranger to the SA entertainment industry shares some tidbits about herself which many may not know about her ...

Carol Ofori is reflecting on this exciting new chapter in her career and shares some insight on what else she has planned ...

Ampie het meer as ’n vakansie gekry tydens sy onlangse besoek aan Namibië...

Dan Patlansky Duo Electric tour SAMA Winner Dan Patlansky has a brand new set and format for shows for his DUO ELEC-TRIC tour...

Eksklusief en slegs te siene by die Blou Hond, is die geleentheid vir ware Elvis Blue aanhangers...

Brunhilde has a tremendous passion for young teenage girls and her aim is to MOTIVATE, INSPIRE and EMPOWER the young ladies...

The word “legend” is loaded with meaning – especially when one thinks of Blues-legends...

Scarlotte Will’s previous singles, ‘Whale Song’ and ‘Desperation’ have both topped the charts on TuksFM...

CH2 is your TOP class choice of entertainment for corporate events, weddings, parties and theater acts...

Gideon Hanekom het van landboukundige en plaasbestuurder ontwikkel tot die briljante liedjieskrywer en rockkunstenaar...

Here are four young people from Pretoria who've shaken up the different industries they've embarked on...

Le Mpendulo is a young Ndebele woman born from the land of melodies, Mamelodi, Pretoria. She can best be described as an artist...

The Chamber has taken upon itself to also assist this young man as best we can via the ARTs and Crafts development project...

We asked Just Mia a few questions about career and future, this is what she had to say...

Multi award winning theatre maker, director and producer, Quintin Wils...

SA's Got Talent Finalist and first ever Golden Buzzer Star in South Africa, 12-year-old singing sensation, Henno William...

It takes a special person who has passion and commitment to reach a goal successfully and then to maintain its success...

Paul Modjadji is leaving footprints aroung the globe living his dream as an African contemporary, jazz, ballet...

She’s a courageous woman; a female warrior these words best describe Sindiswa Buthelezi...

Every year around June 16, we, the youth are often advised to create our own opportunities because reality is that most of us...

Ramon Di Clemente is known as one of South Africa’s rowing Olympic medallists...

Jacaranda FM DJ and well known South African personality Kriya Gangiah has just joined the Out There Carrera campaign

Glen Grant Single Malt Scotch Whiskey and ShowMe Pretoria ran a competition before the festival. Here are the winners of the 3 double tickets for the

Today just so happens to be the mordern founder of nursing, Florence Nightingale's birthday, a day celebrated as International Nurses Day

23 April 1616 is the date recorded for the deaths of three famous writers; Shakespeare, Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and Cervantes

Fans of popular Jacaranda FM DJ Kriya Gangiah will now be able to get their regular dose of local celebrity news delivered in

Hulle musiek is ’n kombinasie van talent en passievolle energie wat met dinamika, sinergie en talent oortuig!

Stone Cradle Restaurant in Pretoria was the setting for the crowing of Mrs UNSA 2015.

Christelle van Tonder, radio aanbieder by RSG is onder andere bekend vir haar Kinderhoekie program van Maandae to Saterdae op die

A glittering gala event was hosted at the Faircity Roodevallei Hotel on 1 November, where Amelia Languagè was crowned

There is this need to clarify the assumption that Pretoria is a city with magnificent historical architecture...

This is art without pretense...Casper took the time to sit down with ShowMe Pretoria at the Art of Silver gallery in Cullinan

It’s a given that music tells stories, Morayks' music tells of the indigenous kind, praising kings and queens of Limpopo....

ShowMe Pretoria met with Karen Schwendtke a Pretoria resident passionate about her community.

76 was not a very good year, not at all! Children died during what was supposed to be a peaceful protest for what they believed...

From the last days of August this year until lovely November...

Dr. Ronel Benade has been chosen to represent Pretoria as a Mrs Commonwealth SA 2014 Pageant finalist.

The 11th of May this year marks the 100th anniversary of Mother’s Day, an international holiday ...

ShowMe asked ordinary people from Pretoria what freedom means to them and this is what they had to say ...

ShowMe Pretoria het gesels met Klopjag se roos tussen die dorings: Marie-Louise Pretorius ...

Hannes Brümmer is a South African actor and comedian best known for playing various comedic roles.

In a perfect world, every child has access to education, food and a home. But we are not living an imaginary existence ...

A force to be reckoned with as a sculptor, Angus has risen to the top of his game within the local and international art scene ...

Charlize Berg het geen bekendstelling nodig nie. Nie net is sy beeldskoon nie, maar sy kan sing en toneel speel.

We asked some of the Pretoria locals and business owners what they are planning for the festive season ...

Kevin Leo is ‘n legende in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf. Met al sy onlangse konserte in Pretoria

ShowMe Pretoria met up with this busy group to get the scoop on why they prefer Jazz music and intimate venues.

ShowMe Pretoria met up with Lucinda to find out what she has been up to, what she loves about Pretoria and the future plans for Di

Gewilde radio-omroeper en joernalis Sarina Johnson het 'n BA graad in joernalistiek en is dol oor musiek, trots Afrikaans en ...

Vanes-Mari du Toit. Part of the South Africa Netball team, she plays in the positions of GS and GK ...

Gareth Daniell (aka BraaiBoy), started braaing every single day in April 2009 and has done so ever since. What started out ...

We had a chat with Doktrine Design Studio co-founder M.J. du Preez about designing, working and living in Pretoria. Former ...

Pretoria-based electro/rap group Bittereinder was formed in 2009 when rapper Jaco van der Merwe approached Peach van Pletzen ...

Werner Olckers is the leadsinger of the popular country-rock band Wrestlerish. We met up with him to discuss his love for ...