Pretoria Theatres and Theatre Productions

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Today a car parking lot, the Capitol Theatre was one of the first atmospheric cinemas to be built in South Africa, in 1931 ...

The award-winning Russian cellist Alexander Ramm will perform at Unisa with pianist Bryan Wallick on Saturday 1 June at 4pm ...

With funding from the Rupert Music Foundation and in collaboration with RSG, an audio and video recording of this work was made...

The Brooklyn Theatre will, as a result of Covid-19, be leaving its popular physical home to go online...

Produced by the State Theatre in association with the Ozone Fellas, the performance art piece examines father absenteeism ...

Vir die eerste keer in baie jare betree Hannes van Wyk weer alleen die verhoog met 'n splinternuwe eenmanstuk, SÊ GROETE VIR MA...