Pretoria Live Shows

Pretoria is famous for its lively student scene and eclectic mix of pubs, bars and nightlife ...

First of its kind in Tshwane - A unique performing waiter restaurant, offering a sensational theatrical musical experience …

Hosting an event? Let the local community know by adding your event to Pretoria’s Ultimate Online Guide! It’s FREE, FUN and EASY.

Hierdie drie opvoerings was deel van 187 produksies van regoor Suid-Afrika...

With funding from the Rupert Music Foundation and in collaboration with RSG, an audio and video recording of this work was made...

Bekroonde Afrikaans sanger, Jo Black is vir die eerste keer in meer as 7 maande op die verhoog met sy volledige band ...

Lillia Lessev, Bianca le Grange & David Johnson and Len Muller releases new music...