Longmore Forest Mountain Bike Trail
Directions to the Trail
Get on to the N2 national highway and head west towards Cape Town from Port Elizabeth. Just about 23 kilometres outside PE you will take the R102 turn off to Uitenhage – turning north towards Uitenhage. Approximately 4.5kms along this road you will take the left fork on to the R334 going towards Uitenhage. Approximately 2.6kms after the fork you will see a small gravel turn-off on the left hand side at a sign for Culturama. Take this and follow the road for 2kms to the Longmore Forestry gate.
The Longmore Forestry House
The Longmore Forestry House
Varies – depends on which route you decide to take.
Three different marked trails may be ridden separately or simultaneously as one big loop.
Depends on the route you choose – could take the whole day.
Required and can be purchased from CycloPro in Port Elizabeth at about R10 per person.
Contact them on +27 (0) 41 368 7244
Take With You
Puncture Repair Kit
Refreshments & water for the ride
Insect repellent
Please Note
It is highly recommended that you cycle in a group.
The trail consists mainly of gravel roads, forestry roads and fire breaks throughout the pine plantation. Be very careful to follow a mapped route as you could get horribly lost! It is also advisable to cycle with someone who knows the area and can act as a guide. The mapped routes cut through the centre of the forest, with 2 loops through rougher terrain which will keep things interesting!
The views are quite spectacular and well worth the hard off road riding!
Info per kind favour of www.easterncapemountainbiking.co.za
Route Elevation Profile
Contact Details
Cyclo Pro
Tel: +27 (0)41 368 7244