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The Bargain Box

The Bargain Box

Care & Protection

The Bargain Box
The Bargain Box
The Bargain Box
The Bargain Box
The Bargain Box
True charity is the desire to be useful to others without thought of recompense

The Bargain Box is a Charity Shop which operates to support the work of the local Animal Anti-Cruelty League. The shop is staffed by a morning and an afternoon Manager, both of whom are assisted by teams of volunteers.

Monday to Friday - 9am - 4pm
Saturday- 9am -12pm
Closed on public holidays

We are fully reliant on donations from the public, and, therefore, gratefully accept donations of clothes, books, household items, linen, toys, magazines, jewellry and other.

We also sell cat and dog beds of all sizes, which are made locally and sell for very reasonable prices. Leads and collars are also available.

The Animal Anti-Cruelty League:

Our local branch of the League operates from the Clinic in Cleary Park, and covers the northern areas of the city.The field workers and Clinic staff work with an average of 1300 animals per month.

The League works towards the elimination of cruelty and suffering to all types of animals. Much of the League’s work is directed towards the those areas where poverty and ignorance can lead to needless cruelty, and it strives to improve situations through advice and education. Members of the community are encouraged to turn to the League for help and advice. Veterinary services are available to low income families and pensioners who would not otherwise be able to afford proper care for their pets.

Regular Spayathons take place in local and outlying areas, and these have proved to be a great success thanks to the help of local vets and volunteers.

There are also regular talks given to schools, clubs and community groups by the field workers and others.

The income from the Bargain Box is vital to the work of the League, and we are most grateful to all who continue to donate so kindly to this wonderful cause.

Contact Us:
Linda-Louise ( PR )
Glen: (Chairman)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Care & Protection

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