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Animal Welfare Society Port Elizabeth

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Animal Welfare Society Port Elizabeth
Animal Welfare Society Port Elizabeth
Animal Welfare Society Port Elizabeth

It is important to remember that animal welfare is the processes and steps taken to ensure a good quality of life for animals. It also means that steps need to be taken to prevent animal suffering or unsatisfactory living conditions. This term is commonly mistaken for animal rights, which is a completely different area. Animal rights means that animals have their own rights, including being able to live and prosper without the interference of human involvement. Animal welfare requires three states that maximize the animal’s quality of life – namely, the physical state, mental state, and naturalness.

Physical state is the health of the animal, and immediate care for beginning symptoms or injuries. The mental state of an animal includes the ability to live without being in fear or having any anxiety. The final state is naturalness, which is basically the ability of an animal to conduct their natural routines and to carry out the tasks that their natural instincts demand that they accomplish.

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steps need to be taken to prevent animal suffering or living in unsatisfactory conditions

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