Port Elizabeth Green Living
Port Elizabeth Environmentally-friendly products and services as well as great SA articles on Green Living - be informed and inspired to live green!
Green Living Articles
![Open or Close the ShowMe™ Search Results](https://showme.co.za/port-elizabeth/wp-content/themes/default/images/updown_bw.png)
![Confidential Document Shredding Service](https://showmeonline.co.za/cdn/frc.php?f=https://showme.co.za/port-elizabeth/files/2022/04/Thumbnail-2.jpg&w=65&h=65)
For all your confidential document shredding needs, look no further than Greencycle Recycling Collection Services ...
![Castle Lite is switching to brew its refreshing beer with renewable electricity](https://showmeonline.co.za/cdn/frc.php?f=https://showme.co.za/wp-content/uploads/1/2021/10/Castle-lite-renewable-electricity-thb.jpg&w=65&h=65)
The last week in South Africa has reinforced exactly why Castle Lite is switching to brew their extra cold refreshment with...
![Green spaces positively affect mental health](https://showmeonline.co.za/cdn/frc.php?f=https://showme.co.za/wp-content/uploads/1/2016/09/green-1thb.jpg&w=65&h=65)
Living in or near a green space improves mental health, according to A study published in the journal of Environmental Science...
![Coolshark - the new way to handle temperature control](https://showmeonline.co.za/cdn/frc.php?f=https://showme.co.za/files/2015/07/Article-image-1-thb.jpg&w=65&h=65)
One man's collaboration with UCT aims to improve the lot of shack dwellers...