Photos of Oktoberfest Weekend 2018 | Mbombela Golf Club
Mbombela – With winter now but a forgotten distant dream for most of us, and the sudden realization that we are well into October 2018 with only two-and-a-bit months to go before Christmas, what do we have to look forward to in the coming weeks?
A huge spectacle that October brings every year the world over – and let’s be frank, probably one of the most favourite festivals ever, is Oktoberfest! Mbombela Golf Club held the German themed festival over a course of two days with some interesting golf being played in between.
With live music entertainment by Anton throughout the weekend and international rugby on two massive big screens the Saturday, Darren and his team made sure not to run out of huge quantities of beer and gin – so much so to probably even keep the Krauts at bay!
Here are some photos of the weekend at the prestigious club…
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