Lowveld Local | Nicola Temperman
When you first meet 17 year old Nicola Temperman, you wouldn’t think that this fit young woman with a beautiful smile has just come first in Africa for her category in the annual CrossFit Open. Noensie, as her friends call her, is a Lowveld local that is passionate about CrossFit and the world is her oyster.
How did you become a gym fanatic?
I grew up on a farm in Frankfort so where most girls where playing with Barbies, I played between the mielies. I guess I was always going to be different. I went to gym with my brother when I was in grade 7 and immediately knew I loved it.
Do you follow a strict diet?
“O jinne nee” – at the moment I am enjoying my teenage life. I don’t eat a load of rubbish but I am not too strict on myself either. I probably should be a bit more disciplined when it comes to what I eat, maybe next year.
How often do you exercise?
I try to go twice a day – but that is not always possible with school commitments. Usually I attend the 5am session and then the 5:15pm session after hockey. I prefer the afternoons but the morning sessions make a great start to the day.
What is one of your happiest moments to date?
In this year’s CrossFit Open I achieved a new personal best for the clean and jerk, 65 kg. I am super proud of it.
When was your first fitness competition?
The first time I competed was at Last Man Standing in 2014. I did reasonably well, finishing 12th I think. I was nervous during the final though; I was competing against these big strong women with a big crowd around me and I lost focus, I think I should have done better.
Who is your fitness hero?
I admire Camille Leblanc. She won the 2014 CrossFit Games. She has a balanced outlook on exercise and life as whole. I would love to have a body like hers one day.
What would you like to do after School?
I would like to study Sports Management at Kovsies (University of the Free State) and possibly specialise in hockey. I would love to teach children and make a difference in their lives. I would also like to complete all my CrossFit levels so that I can help out at the local box.
Have you got tough hands?
Calluses are part of the sport, many of the Nelspruit CrossFitter’s go to Sorbet for a treatment that is normally done on one’s heels, but instead they clean the calluses off our hands.
What grates your carrot?
I get upset if I can’t reach my previous personal best. When you know you have achieved something before but can’t do it again, that really upsets me.
What are you most proud of?
A lot of children’s passions are driven by their parents, but I am very proud that CrossFit was my own initiative. We live close to the old CrossFit venue and one day I drove past there on my bike, stopped and chatted to owner Ruhan and I have not looked back since. That said, my family are all fitness fanatics in different ways, my dad was a body builder, my brother plays varsity cup rugby, my sister loves mountain biking and my mom loves to gym.
If you could make one law what would it be?
I would change the legal driving age to 16. My parents run around a lot after me, it would make life a bit easier.
What do you like about Nelspruit?
I love Nelspruit, especially the CrossFit Nelspruit box community, all the members are very supportive and you can trust them all.
How do students at school react to your love for exercise?
Some of the boys tease me a bit, asking whether I have had my protein shake for the day. But to me it’s not just about how you look, you feel so much better and have lots more energy when you exercise. I recommend it to everyone; I’m always asking friends to join me at CrossFit.
If you had to participate in a reality TV show, what would it be?
Survivor, I just love the bush and outdoor life. I won’t have a problem eating any funny food, just hope they don’t give me tomato to eat as that’s not really my thing.
What is your most treasured possession?
My iPhone, I enjoy all social media especially Instagram. I love taking photos but not posed pictures, more candid pictures. I like catching people doing what they enjoy, without them being aware of it.
How do you motivate yourself?
I enjoy not only trying to improve on my own personal bests, but I also try to compete against the boys in the box.
Which is your worst exercise?
Not a big fan of burpees.
Which exercise gets you excited?
I enjoy handstand push ups.
What advice do you have for people wanting to get into functional fitness?
It is important to get your technique and skill correct. I like focusing on technique and skill – Ruhan, the local box owner is good at this, which is awesome for people wanting to get into the sport.