Spring Face of The Highveld Winners
After a lengthy process of taking photos, preliminary judging and Facebook votes, The Spring Face of the Highveld Competition closed on 7 December.
While ten finalists in each category were selected in November, only three winners can be announced in each category.
The final judging was determined by Facebook likes and winners are as follows:
Category 0 – 6 Months:
Category 7 – 12 Months:
Category 13 – 23 Months:
Category 2 – 3 Years:
Category 4 – 6 Years:
Category 7 – 10 Years:
Due to the fact that the judging has taken place during the festive season and many people are planning their holidays during this time of year, possibly away from home, the most appropriate time to arrange the prize hand over is January 2016.
Please note, all photos not yet collected, are still available for pick up at the information desk, outside The Hub at Highveld Mall and at Foto First by Middelburg Mall.
For more information, please feel free to contact Stacey: 082 839 2260
Related Articles: Who it the cutest of them all? / Finalists Chosen