Enrico’s Fishing Charters – Fishing Update 28th January 2014
Snoek in the Eastern Cape….WHAT????
It has finally paid off, the time, effort and money spent looking for the Snoek Banks was well spent! Friday the 17th was our first expedition to the grounds in pursuit of big Cape Snoek (in our case Eastern Cape Snoek) and we were not disappointed. All the fish were taken on vertical jigs and deep sinking flashy spoons. All on board pulled enough fish to satisfy their fishing need and the day was called.
Our second expedition was on Saturday and upon arrival at the Banks 4 rods were bending before I could switch my motors off! The great news about this area as a sustainable fishery is the healthy biomass of fish aggregating around the pinnacles on the bank.
The EFS team will soon be offering fishing safaris to this area so watch this space.
“The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn’t someone else’s gift to you?”
Kind Regards and good fishing
Captain Pat
082 534 2029

Enrico’s Fishing Charters

Enrico’s Fishing Charters