Enrico’s Fishing Charters – Fishing Update 24th September
Kabeljou on artificial lures
The time has come to target Kabeljou on artificial lures from the beaches in and around Plettenberg Bay . The last few weeks have been rather productive, especially along the Keurbooms coast line.
Your terminal tackle should consist of a rod not shorter than 9ft and an over head reel (coffee grinder) which can hold at least 250m of 20lb braid. I use 5inch McCarthy paddle tails in any colour with a 1oz jig head, but I must be very honest to all the fishermen out there, that my favourite colour is the olive and pearl or orca pattern.
For all your tackle requirements please speak to Deon or Ashly at Plett Sports in the Market Square.
“The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn’t someone else’s gift to you?”
Captain Pat
082 534 2029
“Fishing is not a matter of life or death; it’s more serious than that”!
Kind Regards and good fishing
Captain Pat
082 534 2029