Knysna Timber Festival 2017 rises from the ashes!
The 2017 Knysna Timber Festival took place from the 29th September till the 1st October and despite the total destruction in the fires of 7 June, the event was noted to have been the most successful festival ever.
After having witnessed the devastating destruction of the Timber Village during the June 2017 fire – it was heartwarming to see the property restored and the traders happily promoting and selling their goods.
“The Knysna Timber Initiative decided at its very first meeting after the fires that the Festival would go ahead by hook or by crook – despite the fact that both the venue, Timber Village, and my home and office – with all the Festival documents and records – were completely burned to the ground,” said Festival manager, Picca de Bruin.
“It was a massive effort, but the spirit of cooperation and the incredible support we received from everyone paid off on the day.
“Our visitor numbers were up (more than 2,000 people came into the festival grounds on Saturday alone); a number of visitors – including bowl-turners from Pretoria – flew in specifically for the event; the Fechters/Woodoc Food for Wood/Ezigro Karata Nurseries children’s programme was sold out; Chef Melven Mene of Usatsho Tshisanyama & Catering ran out of supplies on at least one occasion and had to go into town to get more to feed the amazing crowd of people who seemed to kuier and kuier; and the number of out-of-town exhibitors grew from about 5% of the total on show last year to 25% this year,” she said.
Knysna Timber Festival 2017 Gallery