10 Of The Weirdest Hobbies In The World
Got a few hours to spare each day or over the weekend, how do you spend them? January is international hobby month and we uncover some of the more unusual hobbies that people have taken up. Some are just plain gross, others raise eyebrows and some are just plain strange!
Here they are, the 10 weirdest hobbies from across the globe…
1 – Mooing
Some people have a knack for making animal sounds. Did you know there is something known as competitive mooing. Competitions take place in rural settings in areas that are noted for farming. Nothing is to bizarre these days.
2 – Faking your own death
Yes, you heard right. It has become a popular hobby and stems from last years trend known as “planking” where a person must lie as still as a plank in unusual locations.
3 – Competitive dog grooming
Taking your dog to the parlour has a whole new meaning. Photos of dogs styled in array of colours have been making their rounds online and they are all real, they all form part of competitive dog grooming competitions.
4 – Milk bottle collecting
Glass bottle collecting is a common hobby amongst people, none can beat Paul Luke’s collection of milk bottles however. His collection has over 10 000 bottles and he has built a museum to store them all.
5 – Soap carving
This hobby see’s anybody taking a regular bar of soap and carving it into a work of art. This hobby is no joke and needs a certain set of tools and techniques. Beginners start by carving fruit and then move onto carving soap.
6 – Tape art
Basically it involves you having to pull out all of the magnetic tape from inside a cassette and then creating a work of art. This is a fairly obscure hobby and only got started a few years ago but some impressive portraits of celebrities have been created since then.
7 – Trainspotting
No, not the movie! It is actually a hobby, people watch trains for fun, all the while trying to jot down the train number in a booklet. Trainspotters “collect” seeing types of trains, tracking trains in certain areas or seeing all the rolling stock from a company.
8 – Navel fluff collecting
Yes, this gross hobby is not taken up by just one lonely man but quite a few people. Graham Barker has however taken it to the next level by collecting the lint found in ones belly button for over 20 years and then placing it into carefully marked and dated jars…eww!
9 – Extreme ironing
Homework just got a little bit more risky. The hobby requires followers to iron out the creases of their clothes in weird and unusual ways. There is even a world championship for extreme ironing…
10 – Hikaru Dorodango
Or, polishing dirt. It sounds a little strange, we agree. Believe it because it is real. You take a ball of mud, draw the moisture out of it while coating it with finer and finer layers of soil after which you start to work the dirt by polishing it by hand into a sphere.
Source: Top Tenz, Dan Seitz
Weird, wonderful, strange and insane!
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