Fishing Spots from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond
Fishing Spots from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond
This area has much to offer the keen angler. There are many spots, rock and surf, close to each other, so a fishing getaway will have many opportunities, both for a change of scene, and “luck”.
The most common fish found in this area are Steenbras (throughout the year) and kabeljou (in the summer,) with galjoen, elf and snoek in season. A highlight for anglers is the crayfish/rock lobster season in summer (usually November to January) when these delicacies are caught during the limited and strictly-monitored period.
Diving is also popular, and a sea basket of abalone (perlemoen), rock lobster, mussel, octopus and oyster can be caught. Please note a permit is required for harvesting any marine species and restrictions apply. Abalone and Rock Lobster have a closed season.
This is a guide to the fish you could normally expect to catch, the bait that is most preferred by local anglers, and the places you could expect to find them. The best time to fish is on the pushing tide in the early morning or late afternoon. Some species are good to fish at night like Kob, Geelbek and White Steenbras.
Area Map
Sites for rock and surf angling
Gordon’s Bay:
Rooi Els: Fish directly from the rocks – drive through the village to the last road, turn right down to the beach
Pringle Bay: Fish directly from the rocks along the shoreline
Maasbaai near the Hangkip Hotel: Catch directly from the slipway at Maasbaai or launch fishing boats here. Maasbaai is a good place for geelbek in the evening, kob during the summer, both from the shore and boat, galjoen in season and the odd poenskop. It is also a good spot for crayfish in season. Aasbankies – stop approximately 6km’s behind Tom se Klip and walk down to Aasbank at the beach.
Betty’s Bay has numerous surf and rock fishing spots along the coastline. Dive to the parking area at Tom se Klip (Silversands Beach) and walk down to the coast. Dawidskraal, Tom’s se Klip, Silwerstrand Beach, Jock se Baai are all good spots. Do not collect mussels at Davidskraal as it is a protected area as is the harbour wall. Wonder worm is the best bait in this area, and you can expect to catch geelbek, kob, steenbras, belman and galjoen. Mussel is good bait too, found in Betty’s Bay at Dawidskraal along the shoreline. If you want to go for sharkies, there are plenty of spotties, smoothies and the odd cow shark around.
Kleinmond – in June, anglers come from all over for the snoek which is caught at the harbour. For Palmiet beach, turn towards the parking site on the road to the Caravan Park. Here you can try for galjoen and steenbras in front of the caravan park and the river mouth, using prawn and mussel. Fly fish for small leeries on the vlei. For beach fishing, walk along the Main Beach to the High Dune; fish from the rocks along the shoreline at Sandown Bay, you may get the odd galjoen in season. You could also find sharks (vaalies) about a 1km down the Main Beach, but you will need a very good cast to get to them. The rocks in front of Main Beach are good for galjoen, further along the beach the surf yields streenbras and cob/kabeljou. In November, Cape salmon can be caught from the beach.
Fish Types |
Cape Salmon – GeelbekSeason: Summer Location: Boat or rocks at Rooiels, Hangklip, Hermanus: Bait: Sardines, mullet mackeral, chokka Regulations: Size > 60cm, Bag limit = 2 Closed Season: No Eating Quality: Excellent |
Elf – ShadSeason: Summer, Spring Location: Hangklip area, Kleinmond and Hermanus lagoons Bait: Strips of sardine or mullet, spinners Regulations: Size > 30cm, Bag limit = 4 Closed Season: 1 October to 30 November Eating Quality: Good when fresh |
Galjoen – HottentotSeason: Winter Location: Rooiels, Hangklip, Kleinmond, Onrus, Hermanus Bait: Rotten redbait, bloodworms, white mussels, sand prawns Regulations: Size > 35cm, Bag limit = 2 Closed Season: 15 October to last day in February Eating: Good |
Kob – KabeljouSeason: Summer Location: Hangklip, Dawidskraal, Kleinmond lagoon, Hermanus Bait: Sardines, mullet mackeral, chokka, sand prawns, bloodworms, spinners Regulations: From shore or lagoon: Size > 60cm, Bag limit = 1, by boat: size >50 cm, bag limit 5 but only 1 > 110cm per day Closed Season: No Eating Quality: Good |
Leervis / GarrickSeason: January to April Location: Kleinmond and Hermanus lagoons Bait: Live bait, mullet, mackeral, chokka Regulations: Size > 70cm, Bag limit = 2 Closed Season: No Eating Quality: Medium – Good when Smoked |
PoenskopSeason: Spring, Summer Location: Maasbaai Bait: Chokka, Red Bait, Pilchards, Octopus, Red Crab, Prawn Bait Regulations: Size > 50 cm, Bag limit = 1 Closed Season: No Eating Quality: Good |
Red RomanSeason: All Year Location: Boat, all rocky parts of the coast Bait: Strips of mullet or sardine, chokka Regulations: Size > 30cm, Bag limit = 2 Closed Season: No Eating Quality: Good |
White Steenbras – Pignose GrunterSeason: All Year Location: Hangklip area, Kleinmond and Hermanus Bait: Sand prawns, wonderworms, bloodworms Regulations: Size > 60cm, Bag limit = 1 Closed Season: No Eating Quality: Good |
And yes, there are some other regulations you should know about!
Fishing Permit:
A fishing permit must be obtained from the local Post Office. The permit will give you the fishing regulations in detail. Please take note of all the prohibited species. Have it on you at all times for inspection.
Note: The overall bag limit = 10
The new regulations stipulate that all powered vessels, jetskis and other toys require proof that they have been surveyed and issued with the necessary certificate and stickers, no matter where they are being used – penalties are stiff for not complying and insurance will be invalid.