Helderberg Environment/Conservation
Support the charities and non profit organisations in Helderberg that have the protection of our environment at heart, including wildlife conservation, environmental impact, land conservation and ecology in Helderberg.
Helderberg Environment/Conservation Local Information
Giant SA 'vacuum cleaner' leaves beaches plastic-free
A giant beach-friendly vacuum cleaner can be seen trundling along Cape Town's Lagoon Beach.
Environment/Conservation Articles
World Ozone Day: Keeping Us, our Food and Vaccines Cool
The ozone layer is on the road to recovery.
CPT's largest bus company becomes a producer of green energy
Sustainable energy generation is a key part of Golden Arrow’s future.
Imagine the impact one person can have to make a change
View more Articles under Environment/Conservation
It takes 1 person to make a change, this man started a project & nature thanked him