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Animal Welfare Society Helderberg
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg

Dare to Care

Animal Welfare Society Helderberg
"We are realists who will not turn any animal in need away"
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg

Who We Are

The Society was first known as the  Hottentots-Holland Animal Welfare and recently changed its name to Animal Welfare Society: Helderberg.  The organisation began in 1949 and in the 60’s, with the assistance of the municipality, purchased the then Woodlands Kennels in Gordon’s Bay.  This was subsequently sold in the 2000’s and on the 5 January 2011, the Shelter moved lock, stock and barrel to brand new premises situated in Mansfield Crescent, Gordon’s Bay.

What We Do

The Shelter’s aim is to rehabilitate and rehome unwanted animals and to reunite owners with their lost animals.  We also have a section dedicated to the treatment of and sterilization of animals belonging to the poor.  Once healthy, these animals are returned to their owners.

Our rehoming policy is simple :  We expect the new owner to know what he or she wants before visiting the shelter.  If they don’t, we attempt to find out their needs before allowing one of the animals to be adopted.  Further requirement is that the premise is fully and safely enclosed, that the animal is able to see out but not get out.  Suitable shelter must be provided and we encourage people to allow their animals to sleep indoors (with the family).  Needless to say, good food and fresh water must be available.  We don’t allow chaining of dogs and we don’t provide guard dogs.

Community Work

AWSH operates mobile clinics in Macassar, Eerste River, Nomzamo, Tarentaal Plaas, Sir Lowry’s Pass and Grabouw.  Dogs are dipped against ticks and fleas, de-wormed, inoculated and treated for mange and owners are given advice on pet care and feeding.  Sick animals are taken to the kennels to be treated, inoculated and spayed.  If animals are strays and are not claimed within 10 days, AWSH will attempt to place them in approved homes.  We do not yet have a resident veterinary surgeon at the kennels.  Meanwhile, Cottage Vets, Gordon’s Bay Animal Hospital, Helderberg Animal Hospital, Teva and Strand Animal Hospital offer their services at greatly reduced rates.  Nonetheless many pet owners can’t or won’t pay veterinary costs, which leaves AWSH with on-going heavy medical bills.

Why Support Us

We are realists who will not turn any animal in need away.  We do not believe in burdening other animal organisations with problems from our own areas.  We take full responsibility for the care of these animals, even if it ultimately means euthanasia.

We work closely with other organisations and remain eager to learn from them and / or to assist wherever and whenever we can.  We believe in quality of life and we work hard to improve on our services all the time.  We can only achieve this by means of financial support from the public as we receive no government support whatsoever.  This is a worthwhile cause.  Donations are accepted with much appreciation and used with great care.


"There is no greater pleasure than success at saving a life and saving it well"
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg
Animal Welfare Society Helderberg

Dare to Care

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