Helderberg International News

Your weekly detailed Western Cape Dam Level Report for Cape Town and surrounds

South Africa’s tourism and hospitality sector have lost over R1bn in travel bookings..

For anyone looking for answers to which destinations are still open and which airlines are still flying..

The corporate travel industry has been heavily impacted by the UK’s decision to put South Africa back on the red list..

It’s Groundhog Day for the South African travel industry. The new ban is a knee-jerk reaction of the UK government...

FEDHASA hopeful that temporary ban will be lifted swiftly as scientists unpack the ramifications of the new variant...

The decision comes off the back of a new Covid variant emerging in countries such as Botswana and South Africa...

Fuel prices are expected to rise sharply in November following the slight increase in the petrol price earlier this month.

“Our approach is informed by World Health Organization guidelines and is in line with international best practice”

That’s better: The UK has finally come to its senses and South Africa is being removed from the travel red list.

The ozone layer is on the road to recovery.

Overall, between 2017 and 2020 South Africa lost 8,600 millionaires.

Things are starting to look up regarding this pandemic!

Joe Biden has won the election and is now America's new president!

Four airlines across Africa have ceased operations due to the impact of COVID-19.

People across the world will be treated to the best meteor shower of the year this October.

here are some important things to know and bear in mind when planning your international trip.

The best and worst case scenarios...

A group of Italian doctors suggested the coronavirus has changed to become less lethal.

As travelling starts to resume, mainly for business travellers, South Africans still have concerns about Covid-19 related travel.

IATA created a free online interactive world map to provide travellers with the latest Covid-19 entry regulations by country.

Outlines on how domestic air travel will work under South Africa’s coronavirus lockdown.

When flying returns to South Africa, it is going to look a little different...

Petrol price cuts to be expected as of 6 May 2020...

What you need to know about the Corona Grant...

The biggest problem people are facing is hunger.....

South Africa is currently experiencing a sudden triple stop in the economy due to the fallout of the coronavirus...

Pick n Pay has launched a ‘collect direct’ email ordering service for over 174 of its franchise stores during the lockdown period.

New regulations which expand how many people are allowed to travel in a car during South African lock down.