Helderberg Brakes and Clutch Manufacturers, Parts and Services. Vehicle brakes and clutch and parts manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and services in Helderberg
Auto Speed Fitment Centre Somerset West
Brakes & Clutch | Central | Clutches & Repairs | Industry | Vehicles
clutch, shocks, brakes, Major and Minor Service, Tyres, Exhaust, CV Joints, Diagnostic, engine overhauls, Gearboxes
Location: 71 Victoria Street, Somerset West, 7130 | Central | Helderberg Tel: +27(0)218511812
Auto Speed Somerset West
Brakes & Clutch | Clutches & Repairs | Helderberg | Industry | Vehicles
We do All Mechanical work. Brakes, Exhaust, Tyres, CV Joints, Engine Overhauls, Major and Minor Services, Wheel Alignment, etc.
Auto Speed Somerset West
Brakes & Clutch | Clutches & Repairs | Industry | Somerset West Central | Vehicles
We do ALL mechanical Services. Shocks, Tyre, CV Joints, Exhaust, Services, Engine Overhauls, Gearboxes, etc. We do FREE 20 point vehicle check
Location: 71 Victoria Street, Somerset West,7130 | Somerset West Central | Helderberg Tel: +27(0)218511812
Brake Bonding & Brake Shoe Exchanging | Brakes & Clutch | Gants Plaza | Industry | Vehicles
TRI-TORQ GROUP is a long-established business, specialising in the provision of quality parts & services to the brake, clutch and propshaft market