Hartbeespoort Animals
Animal charities and animal welfare organisations in Hartbeespoort.
Hartbeespoort Animals Local Information
The Ann Van Dyk Cheetah Centre
The first of its kind in SA, this breeding centre was started in 1971 as a conservation project for the threatened Cheetah.
Animals Articles
Want a Slumber Party with Pets, Lets Go!
three consecutive Saturdays of sheer pet-loving bliss at TEARS Animal Rescue!...
Baboon Matters November 2020 Report
2020 has been an extraordinary year with the impacts of the Coronavirus being felt globally and nationally...
Mexico Stops Hotel Construction Near Sea Turtle Nesting...
Environmentalists in Mexico have stepped in to protect one of the most important sea turtle nesting beaches in the Caribbean...
Elephant Whisper in Hartbeespoort, South Africa
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Could this elephant sense the pain in a human heart and be moved to offer an incredible touch of compassion?